Love it, hate it, or masterbate it, this fight was the best lightsaber fight was kino
Love it, hate it, or masterbate it, this fight was the best lightsaber fight was kino
I haven't seen it, never planed to, and will now actively avoid it.
At the end, Maul could have force pushed Ahsoka or just cut the beam between himself and her
It was shit, no stakes, no character intrigue just some bullshit with some pillars for some total trash!
Even that stupid fight with the lava in ep 3 was better.
Desu the last two episodes are genuinely pretty good.
The entire episode was kino. I haven't liked an episode of TCW this much in like seven years. Everything with Maul was pure kino dude. I love how he started freaking the fuck out at the end, it was great. Now that the seige is over and Obi Wan is off to Utapau, next two episodes are going to be nothing but order 66. So fucking hyped, my faith in Dave is restored. They clearly did not give a fuck about the last arch, I assume it was forced on them by Kathleen to meet their sjw quota.
ok, so you didn't watch it, got it
I love the voice acting for Maul. Sam Witwer was made for Maul.
You sound like someone who would eat food out of hot dumpster.
>just pick the maggots off bro the rest is kino
No thank you.
The fuck are you talking about? I didn't even mention any problems I had with the episode, which maggots did I tell you to pick off? Literally does not make any sense.
Don't worry user, we all see how smart and edgy you are for not liking a thing
He is fucking perfect. He is an amazing voice actor.
You shouldn't tell lies.
>that stupid fight with the lava in ep 3
I love its meme
I really just mean because it's a fight with 2 characters with actual history and stakes involves even though it's objectively over the top,over choreographed and goes on way too long.
Everytime I start thinking that clones and mandalorians are cool and the best, I see a Jedi or Sith start doing force stuff and I realize that they're only thing about Star Wars that I still enjoy. I can get bounty hunters and blasters anywhere, but Jedi? Just here.
>over the top,over choreographed
God forbid people behind the scenes put an honest effort into a fight between two super powered swordsman. Clearly everyone should be moving like turtles. Seriously, shut up.
Nah go fuck yourself you tasteless faggot Star Wars Cuck you're the cancer killing this trashfire of a franchise.
No fuck you, you fucking tasteless prick
No fuck you
you can't kill a corpse user, Star Wars is like Sonic, you can try and dissect where it went wrong and reach different conclusions depending on who you ask. But it doesn't make a fucking difference because it's still a stinky corpse. Mandalorian was sorta cool tho
Needs more Knight Huyang.
Holy shit you're right Star Wars is pretty much just a more mainstream Sonic non stop terrible crap with the odd one of two good bits of content every so often with an irredeemably retarded fanbase that makes everything seem even worse.
>you can't kill a corpse user, Star Wars is like Sonic, you can try and dissect where it went wrong and reach different conclusions depending on who you ask. But it doesn't make a fucking difference because it's still a stinky corpse.
I never thought of it this way. Its both funny and its also really sad how fucking true this is.
Why no webm? Shit thread.
I thought this as well, but then the Sith have always been melodramatic as fuck
This is what happens when nerds are given acting gigs, they actually know the characters they are playing and can really dig deep to bring them out
So Ashoka will ultimately help Maul escape during Order 66 right?
Fuck they might even take a retardedly pathetic go at Sheev only to fail miserably and hide away for 20 yeears in their respective introverted pursuits we found them doing in Rebels
He literally did cut the beam between them. Then she grabbed his lightsaber and cut it again.
she would have won if she had the higher ground