Eastern European animation thread

Cute zayats edition

Attached: zayats.png (300x300, 118.91K)

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Probably a good idea to post more examples or provide some information before you go about bumping the thread, OP. Having the first post be a bump is a pretty bad sign.

Member the times when we had non zayats editions? Those were good times

the original furry femboy bottom

Attached: Nu_pogodi_by_vjacheslav_kotenochkin.jpg (300x229, 35.85K)


Attached: kapitan-bomba-cda-serial-animowany.jpg (1200x550, 197.93K)

Walaszek, you fat bastard, go make more Hooties Squad.

>provide some information
What part of the
>Eastern European animation
would you like clarified? A description of what EE or animation is?
>Having the first post be a bump is a pretty bad sign.
Kind of expected considering most of the board is too busy wanking themselves off to whatever fotm cartoon is these days.

Attached: 1462991512213s[1].jpg (250x190, 5.32K)

who's this? are they a character who's just wearing a gas mask in this current scene? or is the mask part of their character design?

>not recognizing your lord and saviour

Attached: Pronin.jpg (640x360, 34.87K)

Attached: professional.png (680x383, 349.58K)

We had a rabbit-themed thread, most of which involved Soviet cartoons, just this Easter. It had a large number of replies but anons weren't very into it either.

Really makes you think

Seems interesting. Have a bump. I don't know of any East European annation myself, except that weird and very creepy adaptation of a Ray Bradbury story. I'll see if I can find it.

Here you go

>I don't know of any East European annation myself
Feel free to ask about stuff!
I wanna keep the thread alive, but feel tired of tossing out random links.

Here we go


A very tragic and depressing story. Fitting for Eastern Europe.

Whoops, meant to reply to myself here

and made in Uzbekistan out of inferior potassium

Eastern European animation is never something I've really thought about before I suppose. Is there anything you'd recommend for reading about it, or a general list of good animations?

I can link to an archived thread with tons of suggestions.
Tell me if any links have died.

Alright, thanks!

Those were all russian, but as for other countries in the region:

Poland has the adventures of Bolek & Lolek and Reksio the dog among others.

Former Czechoslovakia is most known for Krtek the little mole and Pat & Mat the "masters" of DIY.

Hungary has made some fascinating feature length animated movies like Cat City, Vuk the Fox and more artistically 'Son of the White Mare' and 'Tragedy of Man'.

Many thanks for all these recommendations user. May I ask how you seem to have such a comprehensive knowledge of all of this?

Attached: Bulgarian Treasure Planet.webm (480x360, 1.03M)

Am eastern euro.
Main reason I come here is to "spread the good word" or just post webms from there hoping to spark someone's interest.

Hm, well you've certainly sparked my interest. Thank you, I'll have a look at all these.

Happy to help



Threadly reminder that Son of the White Mare's restoration is done but the US release got delayed due to Covid.
The old, incorrectly color graded low quality DVD rip is still up on YouTube though, with rather meh English subs.

On the more fortunate side of things, several classic Hungarian animated films and shorts are legally watchable for free and some of even have subtitles. Scroll to the bottom of this page. filmarchiv.hu/en/news/hungarian-classics-free-to-watch
Further subtitled Hungarian cartoons are on YouTube if you know where to look. I'll link a few interesting ones.
Bubble Bath, cult classic musical romantic comedy from the early 80s, famous for its constantly off-model art and trippy animation. It was also Hungary's biggest animated flop at the time.
Hófehér, an adult black comedy spoof of Snow White that satirizes Communism.
Song of the Miraculous Hind, a collection of Hungarian myths and old historic tales, animated in period-appropriate art styles.
The Tragedy of Man, densely philosophical and very bleak drama about the horribleness of human history.