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Post yfw a second sonic series stops abruptly in the middle of an arc


Big deal. No one is fired

The restaurant across the street from me furloughed a bunch of their staff. I guess that's what they get for pandering to libshits and SJWs. Get woke, go broke.

Nah, they'll be fine. The comics are selling despite the pandemic and they even got a second mini series announced last week. IDW isn't in deep debt yet so they won't sink just yet. Hell, Marvel might die before IDW and if that happens then Disney would have to commission their Spider-man and Star Wars comics somewhere giving IDW a big boost.

op is a idiot that likely watches those comicsgate vids on youtube designed to make folks outraged for no reason

Ironically they were losing so much money that they'll probably have a better year this year than last once the government gibs roll in.

Furlough doesn't guarantee your job back, numbnuts. Do you think a crippled industry would be able to hire back everyone they put on hold? No. It means they're done.

It's amazing that they were still on for that long. Most companies did their furloughing weeks ago.

I thought you said furlough was a guarantee that they lost their jobs?

When did I say that? I'm not op. Furlough is defined as temporary, but nothing about this virus is temporary. Do you think IDW will still have the budget to hire everyone back after weeks/months of no business?

>The comics are selling despite the pandemic
How about some proofs? And how will sanic sales save IDW publishing as a whole? You're in some serious denial.

Good. The comic is nothing without the Freedom Fighters

They'll get a bailout and you'll get a pity check.

>company suffers like all other companies during a worldwide pandemic
Oh wow, didn't see that coming.

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Furlough is a funny word

How can there be so many people on this board that don't want to see American comics crash and burn?

>mfw western comics are dying

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Since we're talking about them, what would you guys recomend picking up from them? I've had a list of IDW stuff I wanted to check out.
Are their Ghostbusters books any good?

I wanna say that will make SEGA quit comics entirely but they’re so desperate for marketing that I doubt it

Because you're a shill

IDW was going down anyway

Depends what you mean by "selling" since ot's actually under 10k

Who is he shilling for?

IDW is a private company so long as they don't go into major dept they can keep going. Even if it means downsizing, the Sonic comics won't get cut cause they are profitable.

Damn this is why Sara PD got fired?

yeah it`s totally because of the virus and due to years of alienating costumers with feminist and sjw propaganda

>so long as they don't go into major dept
My friend, IDW has been in major debt for the past 5 years. All but one of their Netflix shows have been cancelled. Now corona has halted their production of anything new. What do you think is going to happen next?

Again, how will Sonic - a LICENCED property - save IDW as a whole?

All returns to nothing

Because they have more than one property, you dumbdumb.

You're not too bright, I never said Sonic will save IDW, I said they'll be fine. You don't know what kind of dept IDW is in if any as they don't release that kind of information, you only can look at their yearly financial income. Quit spouting rhetoric you heard on youtube.