Have you ever agreed with a political cartoon before Yas Forums?

Have you ever agreed with a political cartoon before Yas Forums?

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Plenty of times

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Heh, considering how 2020 is going so far, that New Year should hanging his head in shame.

I'm loving it
>Don't have to work or go to school (Can listen to lectures inside while playing videogames)
>Retards and low IQs are going outside and dying
>Sheeple finally waking up to the chinese and their evil

StoneToss is a degenerate.

Year isn't over yet and the Hurricane season looks like it'll be bad. All I can say is that i hope Disney World is open by mid-june

>Have you ever agreed with a political cartoon before Yas Forums?
Yes but most political cartoons are dogshit.

Well, this aged poorly.

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Shame money will be worthless when there'll be nothing to buy though

>Disney World is open by mid-june
earliest they can open is apparently december or january next year

Only if it confirms my biases

>W-Why are they allowed to have opinions I DON'T LIKE
Imagine being scared by some fucking boomers

Ooh, forbidden Benposting.

It's exactly the same as the previous year except people are whining and crying and throwing massive tantrums because they have to live like I have been living for years for a couple months and that's the worst thing in the world
And after all this is done they will go back to living their lives and tell me I'm just exsgerating and it's no big deal when I get depression and I just need to be myself or something
At this point why even get better? I'm not the same species as them and I'm not even shitting on them, people are so strange to me

Either change your life or learn to like it. Whichever is easier.


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biggot has no meaning anymore, outside of the people who use it.


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Besides in a church you cry and sing, so you dispense the virus better.
There is a study about a gospel singing that spread the virus more than shopping.
It is a little bit awkward, but understandable.
You cant compare church to a shop. But indeed the group in a church is not that diverse than shopping.
But if you think about it
Loud singing/praying/talking x amount of people x amount of old/ill people x long contact to virus x concentration of virus in the air = high risk.
So shops are much more secure than churches.
Think about the virus like radiation that increases with more people talking/singing.
A shop would be less radioactive than a church.

>Retards and low IQs are going outside and dying
Piles of bodies round your way, user?

Why are Amerilards so fucking mad about the churches closing lmao

Guess they are very religious. And sheeps.
So they need some religious figure telling them what to do and they think only in a church god will hear them.
But i would also say, they are very social creatures, so they want to be with other mindlike people and getting "psychological" responses by priests. It is their social media.
So now a integral part of their life is cut short, so they get angry tgat others can go shopping.
A little bit thesame mentality people have "why cant i do this if person x can do that". A form of envy. Like vegans hate other people can eat meat, while they cant to better the world. Or cyclist!

>Or cyclist!

>>Retards and low IQs are going outside and dying
Projected deaths are down to a quarter of what a normal flu season is.

Yes, when there were people with education and wisdom writing them instead of mentally retarded SJWs who have grown up on Twilight, Harry Potter, and Gender Studies garbage.

They will definitely be open by June, will probably require the useless masks for peace of mind for another month then we move on to the next nonsense.
Not even 100,000 people will die of this thing.

>Not even 100,000 people will die of this thing.
That's the idea

Christfag here. Churches don't want their congregation to get sick

in my town one of the only places who stayed open during all the quarantine thing was the the liquor stores, they had to stay open or else the injuns would had burned down the whole town.

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Has Garrison done anything based on the recent Trump/Corona/Riot shit

Based Trump and his bleach prescription!

>Pot Garrison meets Kettleberg