What is the best pirate Yas Forums material?

What is the best pirate Yas Forums material?
And as much as it counts you can't say Muppet Treasure Island

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Fine, what about Pirates! in an Adventure with Scientists?

Jim Henson's Treasure Island featuring The Muppets

Pirates of Darkwater?

This needs a remake right fucking now

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So I guess I can't say Lazytown either.

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I think now would be a great time for a revival of all those saturday morning cartoons that over arching plots, like Pirates of Dark Water and Jace and the Wheeled Warriors.

I really liked the Fox Peter Pan cartoon show, which pirates figured prominently in.

Why would you want classic shows to get pozzed?

Dark water was literally a bunch of non whites, nothing changes. Jayce had a loli in it.

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Wow, I have completely forgot about it. Good call user.

>that scene where peter pan has hook tied to a tree and is firing bamboo shoots at him about to murder him
>hook just stares him down while each shot gets closer to his head
>hook insults peter so hard peter runs away
>hook then snaps all the ropes with pure chad energy and walks off

this show was so fucking good.


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Hang on, ARE muppets Yas Forums material? Not that I'm a board definition elitist wanker or anything, I'm just interested. I mean, why would they be? Unless I'm truly ignorant the franchise stemmed from neither cartoons nor comics, if anything it would be /m/ for tokusatsu.

Yas Forums is more Western entertainment than just cartoons, however more specific entertainment gets sent to other areas.

Tim Curry Hook is the best one.

muppets have always been considered honorary Yas Forums material since the board's inception. I mean if CW dramas and capeshit tv adaptions count I don't see why puppet shows whicih are just live action cartoons don't, personally.

You weren't supposed to point that out

Puppetry is a form of animation.

Is it me or that one guy has some sort of front ponytail?

Puppets are a form of animation, same as claymation

Board rules don't even say animation, just western media. You could discuss fucking daytime soaps here and it wouldn't be against the rules as written (as opposed to as enforced).

Side note: The rules need to be rewritten.

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The Legends of Treasure Island

Purely about pirates or that includes pirates as a element?

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That's some good shit
Was there a tv movie and also a show or was the "movie" edited together episodes?
What I rented from blockbuster as a kid was different than what was eventually shown on Boomerang

That's a plant

Puppetry is manipulating an object to create the illusion of movement, which is the literal definition of animation.

This is Absolute bullshit, OP is obviously a fag of shit tier taste.


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This is more of a scene than a show but that time Don Karnage fought Captain Hook in a commercial bumper.


The specific scene is at 6:45.

[Spoiler] If this was Yas Forums I’d mention One Piece which all the CN Storyboarders seem to reference nowadays anyway [/Spoiler]

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What's so hard about ctrl+s user?

Being a mobilefag when posting it if wasn’t obvious

The Pirates Conference from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Has literary characters like Long John Silver and Captain Hook, but also distinctly Yas Forums characters like Captain Pugwash and Captain Pissgums.

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>Hook and the Cabin boy
Oh no