She did nothing wrong

she did nothing wrong

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>Murdering trillions of spells and magical beings and destroying earth and Mewni's ecosystems and probably triggering the genocide of monsters and mass death of humans just to stop Marco from being able to sample Hekapoo's bomb ass pussy
>Not wrong

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She and several other girls from her show turned gorillions of innocent men into p*dophiles

She let Sabrina Cotugno run her show

What are you talking about, she only improved the program

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If they done it, they would have did it later. People don't just get the idea to fap to cartoon girls like a switch. It's like saying fapping to a guy doesn't make you gay, which it does!

Well , she didn't dressed like that on the show .
and that is very wrong .....

So you're telling me fapping to princess Marco is gay?

>Deranged genocidal maniac did nothing wrong.
This meme was always retarded.

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She was a teenager. Everything she did was wrong.



Star is an autist bitch who murdered spells and didn't even felt sad about it in the slightless, all she was caring about was spic dick.

She should have been cucked a lot more and should keep on being cucked for a long more.

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>Committed genocide
>Didn't get teen pregnant
>Removed multiple best girls from the show

Star did literally nothing right.

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>just to stop Marco from being able to sample Hekapoo's bomb ass pussy
Honestly, if this were the case it would make a lot more sense. If she wanted to destroy the multiverse for some D, that's horrible but logical. The fact is she didn't know what the fuck she was doing and killed all those beings from just not thinking beyond the current predicament in a localized area. Mina is still out there, and she doesn't need magic to fuck shit up. Star outshined her in that department anyway.

Dios mio...

Somebody tell the artist Hekapoo looks like she's made of shit

Even if it didn't mean potentially killing so many magic creatures, getting rid of magic just kinda sucks
And it came out of fucking nowhere. Its like if you were fighting a plant monster and went "ugh, this is all the Sun's fault" and there just happened to be a switch to turn off the sun
They didn't even treat it like a remorseful last resort, suddenly Star just hated magic after like 2 years of using and mastering it, and decided to ax it. And having it gone sucks so much fun out of the setting.
I think I'd have rather they pull so power of friendship/love OP spell out of nowhere to beat Mina.

>>Removed multiple best girls from the show
Janna lived to continue what her predecessors started.

>Committed genocide
agreed dude
>Didn't get teen preg...
dumb pedoomer

She played it smart too. She probably instinctively knew there was something supernaturally fucked up about Starco that ruins anyone who gets in its way. That's why she let it happen. Now that the biggest clusterfuck imaginable has occurred thanks to it, she can start preparing to make her move.

star actually had a "lost a bet tantrum"

>star was helping eclipsa. failing dailybase
>finally some improvement because deus ex machina (save the baby)
>mewmans are retard, that simple thing makes them love eclipsa
>moon went full retard for plot's sake and made an army for mina because "I'm angry at eclipsa" which didn't even made any sense (one episode before she was all like, mina's attacking everyone? lol not my problem)
>star chimps out when mom tells the truth and shit hits the fan

>Pic related

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After a few Margaritas, she did PLENTY wrong.

Eh-hm, it's actually called ephebophilia.

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I consider more like that guy who flips the board game when he’s losing

Are you daring to insult Gaston, you bitch?

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Gaston-joke aside, yeah I get what the user says.

Star literally got mad at her mom for actually winning both Eclipsa and Star in a game of shadow-chess, then she threw the whole table down and burned it so noone would ever use magic against her again.

When she has a neck as incredibly thick and can eat five dozen eggs, I’ll respect her

>"I knew everything about the Blood Moon and its effects. I knew Jackie would be a casualty as would Higgs and Kelly. Hekapoo was a surprise but in the end, I can't say I blame her. Thing is I knew I would never be able to compete with them, so I let the Blood Moon do the work for me and wipe them all out."

>"Would I let it happen again? Yes. I love that Chickenbutt with all my heart."

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