Do people actually like this literal Mary Sue shit?

Do people actually like this literal Mary Sue shit?

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She should have stayed dead by Vader.

Yes, fuck you. Unironically the first interesting Jedi character since Anakin.

Do you understand that this is The Clone Wars and not Rebels where she fought Vader. God this must be embarrassing for you.

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Op here never said it was a clone wars thread just a hate thread

Yes you mouth breathing zoomer. Unlike shit stain Rey, Ahsoka had training and a streak of loses and character growth that gave her the right to be held in high regard.

>literally fucks up everything she is a part of
>mary sue
or did you not watch the five episode arc of the brown bimbo brigade where she gets the three of them imprisoned twice?

Look at OP's pic then retard.

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This is correct, but I dont think she should be considered a mary sue in the clone wars. The Siege of Mandalore, being the conclusion of her entire series-long character arc, should show Ashoka at her most competent.

And? She is this some lame fan fic character who fights every major star wars villian

I lierally just googled ashoka and got a random pic dude

The pic says clone wars on it...

Imagine if Filoni wasn't such an insufferable untalented waifufag and wrote Maul killing Ashoka after his revival. Anakin goes further to the dark side and fights and actually kills Maul/Opress avenging Qui-Gon but losing more of himself in the war.

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That sounds really cool, but Maul should only be killed by Obi-Wan.
Or uncle Owen like in that one comic.

Actually skipped it because it looked like shit.

What else is supposed to happen?? She dies? Wow great character arc right there, goes up against the baddies and dies instantly. She hasn't won many of the duels, she usually gets bailed out by anakin or obi

any DL links m8s

She really has no business lasting as long as she did in TCW period. Shes like a proto Rey but gets hand waved away because shes an alien and Lucas "approved" her design by letting his copycat make her.

They got themselves imprisoned by being dumb fuck morons

Kinda hate the fact that they spent 4 filler episodes on twin lesbian smugglers when they could've better put those episodes to use.

>Shes like a proto Rey
You're retarded if you think Ahsoka, especially in CW, has anything in common with Rey
well, except for being a girl, and we know this is why you're whining

Nah your'e just intimidated by her, Incel.

>You only don't like them cause it's a girl!

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But of course you are. Have sex, loser.

so tell us, Mr. Accomplished Screenwriter, why "she had no business lasting as long as she did"
It's not like being a Padawan was a death sentence, especially considering she learned from two of the best the Order had to offer

Oh, so we're back to hating Ahsoka or is this just another stupid reactionary take?

Yes. Seethe me a river, HBOcuck.

Just some user's stupid reactionary take for sure.

It's because she's a fan-favorite/popular.

You waifufags are rich. Tell me one interesting thing about Ahsoka.

She is an easily manipulated dumbfuck and thats endearing