What's the obsession with turning the kindly disabled mentor into a morally ambiguous manipulator?

What's the obsession with turning the kindly disabled mentor into a morally ambiguous manipulator?

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Father issues? Marvel used to have a lot of young characters fighting an evil father. Shang Chi, the Son of Satan, maybe Silver Surfer...

>Two people

Breaking away from the father/mentor figure, either by killing or corrupting them, is a staple of the Hero's Journey.

Would two morally ambiguous master manipulators pretending to be kindly disabled mentors get along or hate each other?

>What's the obsession with turning the kindly disabled mentor into a morally ambiguous manipulator?
People become unoriginal hacks and resort to corruption and taboo to get kicks and a rise.

where they ever kindly disabled mentors?

Niles was always a dickhead, what are you talking about
Charles going nuts is just another House of Ideas gimmick

White male authority figure = bad

Can't talk about the Chief since I never read much Doom Patrol, but Charles certainly was.

eh, I guess under Lee and Kirby, but right off the bat in Claremont Giant Sized X-Men it was clear that Chuck had some really grey morals.

>Niles was always a dickhead, what are you talking about

This. If anything they softned him up for the show by claiming he did everything to extend his own life in order to protect his daughter, while in the comics he just did it for SCIENCE.

are white men the most oppressed class?

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In the 21st century western world they unironically are.

This has also been done to the Guardians in the Green Lantern comics over at DC.

>under Lee and Kirby
Yes, I don't see anything morally or ethically dubious about turning your students into child soldiers and sending them to fight superpowered terrorists and mercenaries.

The Chief was all about this since the beginning.

This but unironically; yes.
>But you're still doing better than everyone!
Not by as much as we ought to be. It's as if we've had our legs hacked off so our height would be 'equal' to that of midgets.

If anyone doubts me, go read My Greatest Adventure #82 and comeback at me.

>Trusting any character Timothy Dalton ever played
That's your fault OP

In all seriousness, as mentioned by other anons, Prof. X and Chief have always been this way since their first appearance.

I think (and I could be wrong here) Xavier being seen as a kind father-figure is due to Patrick Stewart's performance. Before him Xavier wasn't presented as such, from what I could recall. I still remember Secret War when he and the X-Men were secretly planning to defect to Magneto's side or him being in the Illuminati. Let's not forget how he has erased Sabertooth's mind and recreated his personality. Can't say much about Chief.

Not to mention Timothy Dalton is a great actor who could and has presented mortally ambiguous character with success. I mean his James Bond was so different from the others before him, his Bond was more a conflicted killer than suave spymaster.

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>I think (and I could be wrong here) Xavier being seen as a kind father-figure is due to Patrick Stewart's performance. Before him Xavier wasn't presented as such, from what I could recall.
>He forgets X-Men the animated series
And Clairmonts run was kind to him. Really his biggest dick moves came in the mid to late 2000's. Sure you can look at the stuff he did in the original run and think "he's kind of a dick" but at least that reads as zanny comic crazyness instead of intentionally written immorality. It's not until you hit Deadly Gensis and the Wolverine retcon that he's ever done truly reprehensible stuff that's fully intended as such

>Clairmonts run was kind to him
Okay there buddy.

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>The issue where Xavier tries to shunt Kitty Pryde off to the New Mutants because he thinks she's too young to be an X-Man and after Krakoa he doesn't want to put teens at risk again.
It's a nice meme pic but he was right

>He forgets X-Men the animated series
I didn't mention it cause the cartoon shows Xavier as playing his cards too close to his chest and acting questionable just as the comics.

Example is when Cyclops blames him for Jean being hospitalized due to him not telling the X-Men team all the info. Cyclops even refuses to believe Xavier when he says that's all he knew and made sense. Xavier flips it around and blames Cyclops' lack of leadership for the reason Jean got hurt. I think it was the early Phoenix storyline.

Should've added that to me at least, the cartoon showed Xavier more as a general/teacher/boss, a more professional relationship rather than Patrick Stewarts'. His Xavier was a more kinder figure, one that gives you in inspiring small talk that lifts you up just as he rolls away and the scene fades.

>biggest dick moves came in the mid to late 2000's
What is Legion?

We're just gonna pretend onslaught wasn't a thing?

A kid that he didn't know about because his mother kept him secret?
I don't know how any of his insanity is Charles fault?

>after Krakoa he doesn't want to put teens at risk again

That retcon made Charlie irredeemable

Wasn't that Dark Xavier speaking out?

Over a long enough time period any capeshit character will move back and forth between being heroic and villainous, often multiple times.

No wonder my brain keeps thinking X-Men and Gatchaman are similar.

Not Deadly Gensis I'm talking about Clairmonts Original. In the original losing the O5 was enough to dissuade Charles from using teens again (That's why all the new members in Giant Size are adults). He didn't get a bunch of teens killed and then went for another try. He just sent in adults to go after the O5

Charles Xavier created his own paramilitary group out of his teenage students to fight an ideological war with his former friend.

pretty sure Colossus was 16 when he joined.

I always wondered why he left little orphan Storm in Africa after he handled Shadow King

This would have been around the same time that he took in Cyclops and started working on Jean, so it's not as though he wasn't in the business of collecting strays yet. He just leaves the little street rat to fend for her own and comes back to recruit her for his reserve team after she found a cozy ass life for herself, which he then shatters.

I always figured it was around 18. Young as fuck but still old enough for the Kitty shit to be weird when she joins a little while after.

Wait wasn't the whole reason he couldn't be with Kitty Pryde that he was an adult and she was still a teen?

I headcannon it as him thinking that a tight group of a more single minded version works first. And Claremonts version came to him later cause it was harder to get diverse ideas but paid off in the long run.