JSA Storytime: Transformers

Good evening owls and robofuckers,


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How are you all? At the 'unironically reading hentai for the plot' stage of lockdown myself.

Hi, ST! How was your day?

Someone needs to pain Prime's arm. Shit's distractin'.

Roche, always good with covers.

Hello, Storyteller.

Welp, let's see how much more insane and stupid this book can get.

slightly less productive, I may skiv off halfway in here and take my walk and come back, it's FUCKING HOT today

also I broke into the wine already

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Kinda happy because of the whole no-work and no-social-interaction stuff.
I just wish I was more productive, but I waste away half day with daydreaming and the rest with sleeping and shitposting, hentai and anime so just like always but without the negative things (works and people). Wish the lockdown would last forever for me.

Nice & sunny day here too, which meant loads of people gathering outside. Just feels pointless to try to comply with any social distancing in that situation.

Loosely considering trying to locate street parking near various (closed to cars, but walk-ins are allowed) state parks.

yeah, may try Balcones Canyonlands soonish

what day is it today anyways?

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Up here it's unseasonably cold. I miss taking night walks in the suburbs of California...

Woo, wine! I son't care fore reds, but a nice white every so often is Good Shit.

I hope so much he will get an arc in Galaxies. Maybe even with Overlord since that series is all about the colonies and there is no way they didn't exile a guy like him to one of these shitholes and he is Roche's big bot hero from childhood anyway.


>Starscream's conniving bullshit ended up making Prime look good
HA! That's what you get, you sniveling shitweed!


I only know because of something my fiancee does every Friday.

I never know this either not even when I work. Only Fridays because they are great and Mondays because I hate them.

I like big ridiculous oaky reds, because a really good white is amazing but is $$$$ and subtle, even cheap reds are fun

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>I don't care about how the giant robots view the much bigger robot. I only care about how to deal with the much bigger robot.
... Does she not realize that these two things are connected?

Why not simply spray bleach on the robots?

she's not very fucking bright

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I should try more reds. I only drink a handful of times a year 'cause I never developed a taste for it.

No she does not. The humans in this are astonishingly dumb.

Bleach has too much filler anyway

My frand I go visit for opera fun is a real oenophile so like me by myself? I drink shit. Visiting? Plunk for the good stuff.

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God, Cosmos is such a good boy.

I fell off that during some endless arc or another and I gather none of the things I was interested in got a satisfactory resolution ANYWAY

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isn't he just, I want to ship him over to the Lost Light where I feel he'd be appreciated

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That sounds really nice. A friend of mine used to share various liquors with me, but it's been years since he moved out of the country.

Again, if Barber hates humans in TF, as I suspect, why go out out of his way to embrace everything bad about them? I don't understand.

If I worked at The Onion, I'd be pissed, because reality would be getting in the way of my job.

Supernatural it is.

Hi OP.

Not other user. I enjoyed the first manga? or the first two or three a lot when it felt more like Ghostbusters. Still kept reading after the whole fantasy shounen stuff happened and every arc took 15 volumes because someone I knew had it and reading a volume took like 10 minutes thanks to the lack of text but even then it bored me enough to just forget about it in the middle of one the later (endless) arcs.

I have legitimately done that before. It is a weird feeling.

It is, because I don't know how to find good stuff but I know what I like

fingers crossed we even HAVE opera this fall, fuck

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Why leave something out when you can ruin it for everyone else?

>I may skiv off halfway in here and take my walk and come back
I remember that short time structure!

Well now we get to separate the wheat from the chaff when I say "if you don't know what OMD stands for, you're not sufficiently depraved"

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She seems to be the type of person to see everything as an annoyance to be dealt with immediately.

He already appeared in idw2 too and seems to be pretty cool there so far. Actually surprised I hadn't heard any whining yet because he is most like gay for a 'Con there but maybe the annoying part of the fanbase is really gone or not yet into the new comics.

Ah, the part where Astrotrain dies.

I'm still upset. Dude's unironically probably the cleanest Decepticon in existence, all he does is carry other people around and get treated like shit by literally everyone.

Drive in opera: yay or nay? amp.theguardian.com/music/2020/apr/24/at-the-drive-in-eno-to-stage-coronavirus-lockdown-friendly-opera

Bleach stopped being good once they got to Soul Society. It was much better as a fun urban fantasy series.

it's a cute idea, kudos to them for trying it

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I actually wanted to talk about it a bit because it was a 'why is everything from Japan so rapey?' discussion but this one digs a bit into cycles of abuse and is personally liberating and affirming for the main heroine so YMMV. But even here it's hard to get that kind of discussion going.

You get a wakeup pegging every Friday?

You're not wrong. Here is the one good thing later Bleach gave us: youtube.com/watch?v=FGox7vxdjFE

This is what I meant in It felt like a shorter series about this stuff but then someone urged the mangaka to make a longass superpower shounen series of it because it sold well.

OP you do what you gotta do

Like Starscream

OP, i dont think you need to worry about us taking Presidential advice until at least next year.

I'm cautiously optimistic for the ship ship.


Nah, it's a medical thing she's going through. Not COVID or cancer, though, thank goodness.

Most things that go on for too long become bad.

I need hentai/doujins to be translated because pics only don't work very well on me for pr0n. Sounds stupid but the text is really important even if it's just generic hentai shit.

OP has never done anything wrong either.

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Everyone said Sentinel Prime was the Trump parody but what if...

Ah yes, the all too brief era of the various soul reaper characters dicking around in the living world. This shit worked because it was fun and lighthearted like the early days. One thing I will unconditionally give Kubo is that he's good at comedy. One of Bleach's string points has always been the fairly solid slapstick/sitcom antics.


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Yes he is based

I just wanted to know what was up with Ichigo's goofy dad who turned out to be a real DILF

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>Cosmos, in LL, being appreciated
>Not being a sacrificial lamb for a shock death

It was if nothing else, foreshadowed.

Galvatron made two comments already about killing Astrotrain

Nice ass shot. I like that book so far.

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>Soundwave FINALLY gets Megatron's turn

omg, that top panel is exploitable

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>If I worked at The Onion, I'd be pissed, because reality would be getting in the way of my job.

I miss reality. I wish that it hadn't died in 2016.