Should they redo this one?

Should they redo this one?

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Why do you even give a shit about Death Battle? Why does anyone here?

>Hulk vs Doomsday
2014 was many years ago

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Unless something major has changed about the Hulk, I don't see how even World Breaker could beat Doomsday. With help,maybe, but not a chance solo.

Result is still the same

No, but also yes

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Who can Jamie Braddock fight Bros?

It was released 2016 my man

Well Hulk can grow spikes too to match up better with Dommsday now I guess.

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Hulk’s regeneration got a major boost

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Does Hulk have a way to kill Doomsday in a way he's never been killed before?
Because punching isn't gonna work
Also, does Hulk have a way to close the speed gap?

Has Doomsday ever been choked to death? I'm sure if hulk was strong enough he could resort to that. There's definitely been comics where he choked people.

It is DC CANON that hulk is stronger

With the method of his creation if they missed choking that'd be silly

>Does Hulk have a way to kill Doomsday in a way he's never been killed before?
Yes, consuming/absorbing him.

Considering DC acknowledged the hulk was stronger the hulk wins. I guess that makes Hulk stronger than Superman too

Might be stronger but not sure if he can kill Doomsday, only one sure fire thing can do it and that’s entropy

Does Doomsday have a way to really finish off Hulk on the other hand anyway? He's pretty much established right now to be immortal.
I forgot, does DB count wins if the opponent just stops being able to do anything even if they are still alive? Then I guess Hulk can keep Doomsday in him once he grows big enough.
Well Hulk can literally last til the end of the universe where everyone else is dead so he wins that way too.

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Only one exception had been made in the first season regarding Starscream being eaten by a horse

>I forgot, does DB count wins if the opponent just stops being able to do anything even if they are still alive?
Raiden technically can't die and will respawn but Thor won anyways because he can easily incapacitate him every time
Even though that was ages ago, IIRC a recent DBC had them say that if killing doesn't work, incapacitation would score the win especially if it'll take a long ass time for the loser to recover

That's a really vague reference they could be talking about anything. But anyway, that's not I'm basing it on. I'm basing my choice of feats, not what canon says. There are tons of things in canon that doesn't make any sense. Wolverine beat the Hulk

>Wolverine beat the Hulk
If you mean old man Logan, that's an AU. Or you might be talking about a very old encounter they had way before Hulk got so much tougher, since no way Wolverine has ever beaten Hulk from what I can recall and he himself acknowledges he has no way to really beat him.

>That's a really vague reference they could be talking about anything.

Well my point is that I'm going off feats anx the logic by which Doomsday operates. He cannot be killed the same way twice. Doomsday at his strongest, literally cannot be killed by the Hulk. Hulk just doesn't have the options on the table to kill him.

>Can the Hulk kill Doomsday by hitting him harder than he felt?
No. Even then it's highly unlikely Hulk can hit with that kind of power since Doomsday has already been killed by a group of kryptonians pounding him to death.

>Can the Hulk kill him with gamma energy?
No. He's been blasted apart by all kinds of energies before.

>Can the Hulk throw him into orbit?
Someone tried and didn't work.

>Can Hulk send him through the Green Door?
Doomsday punched his way out of the phantom zone.

Hulk doesn't have the tools to put him down.

powerlevel faggots are worse than /mlp/

Retard, Superman killed Doomsday too

That was New 52 Doomsday and Superdoom never happened because of Superman Reborn

/vs/ when?

Not a bad board idea.

it already exists, it's call /trash/

Again Hulk doesn't have the options to put him down.

You can’t give Doomsday that feat when only an alternate version has shown it
