Meant to do this back in March but then the world went to shit. Anyway let's explore the only thing reminding us that the DA franchise isn't dead yet, starting with Magekiller.
Dragon Age storytime
This one starts out taking place before and then during Inquisition.
I love Dragon Age but honestly all of these comics suck :|
(also there's a book of short stories that just came out that has a higher hit to miss ratio)
>the DA franchise isn't dead yet
Oh, honey.
I think they're fine but I'm pretty sure they have a shoe string budget.
SHHH they just released a new book, it's still totally happening, DA will be back from the store with those cigarettes any day now.
Let's be real here, EA would 100% turn it into an open world live service shithole, "time savers" and all.
I wish, I mean I have the 2 World of Dragon Age books and the Hard in High Town release. I don't have high hopes for a new game.
Well they already did supposedly in 2017 when they made Bioware start all over on it.
Part 2