Rise of the TMNT - S02E04 & E05 Premiere Thread

The show's back from hiatus... and still on Nicktoons. I have a mighty feeling this will be the last season of the series, if so, F. Here are the FOUR episodes premiering tonight:

S01E04A "Breaking Purple" (airs 8:00 PM EST)
>Donnie's parenting causes S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. to run away.

S01E04B "Repairin' The Baron" (airs 8:15 PM EST)
>Mikey tries to get Draxum to tolerate humans.

S01E05A "Air Turtle" (airs 8:30 PM EST)
>Leo gets his dream job as mascot of the local professional basketball team.

S01E05B "Pizza Puffs" (airs 9:00 PM EST)
>Raph teaches his brothers a lesson in responsibility.

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>draxum gonna turn face
Just make it a one time thing, he was better as a villain

> I have a mighty feeling this will be the last season of the series
It is. They toys are cancelled.


The movie's still going to Netflix, isn't it?

Assuming it ever gets made, probably.

Four episodes in one evening?
That's both good and bad.

>I have a mighty feeling this will be the last season of the series
Nick will just make another cartoon afterwards. Heaven forbid they let the IP rest a bit.

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>synthwave intensifies

That episode was pretty average. Yet again, most Donnie episodes are.

It's only contribution was that the two purple dragons are brother and sister by marriage. Complete filler.

What the fuck? When did they recast Baron Draxum?

Please don't act like a lorefag.

Not a bad look.

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The first TMNT since Next Mutation without Usagi

This was retarded. Mikey was retarded. Draxum was retarded.

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You're lucky you even have a lorefag.

>Dennis Rodman reference in 2020

Should've kept the mask.

There are lots of misses tonight. Wasn't impressed by this ep.

>villain is subdued and turns into side character

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draxum is downgraded to on call supernatural reference service

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holy shit

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>They literally ate poison

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>Guy Fieri and Dennis Rodman

>I have a mighty feeling this will be the last season of the series
so there is a god, fuck this garbage

That was a better episode.

Rate the batch.

>another every brother besides one acts like a complete twat episode

This is why I didn't get into the show initially.

what the fuck was that shadow
I agree those are the worst episodes but I only remember 2 of them (this one and the brain meld)

I would but I was watching them on mute during class.
From what I saw the first two where great, the third one was ok and the last one was meh. Again, watched them on mute so I will just wait for the megas

>I would but I was watching them on mute during class.
Fucking dumbass.

First one was decent mainly for the drone race. Like most stand outs it's the action set piece that sets it apart. Second one was watchable but everyone just acts so weird. Mikey bonding with Draxum. The turtles not okay with him being taken in justly to face the consequences for his crimes. Draxum wanting to save humans for whatever reason. Third was discount Space Jam but I wouldn't mind seeing the Daves again. Fourth was something I'd like to forget and only served to set up that shadow thing.

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the only thing I like besides the action in this show is the cute foot girl is there more of her in these new episodes

Nope, the Foot Clan weren't in these episodes.

To be fair I could tell most of what was happening based on the actions alone.

Watching through S1 so far. This has to be the gayest take on TMNT I've ever seen (in official material).
I don't mean gay as in bad, I mean these flamboyant fucking turtles should be living in the metro tunnels rather than the sewers.
Banter is typical of the franchise, but they are fucking sassy spelt with a "th". Especially Michelangelo, with his gap tooth, neon shell decoration, and cooking show risotto.

I don't even mind April, it really sells that these guys would be good friends with a spunky outgoing black girl.

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Michaelangelo did have some accidental gay undertones early on but it stops eventually.

I mean they're all fruit-loops.
Raph and his female hippo pheromones? Teddy-bear loyalty rewards card?

I'm sorry, how does his lips work? If he wore a mask, then the molded lips should not be able to move.

I think I'm gonna need to wait and see what they do with Braxum after this to see if I'm cool with him living as a chef.
It's not exactly a satisfying end but if its the start of an arc for him, I will judge it when it's finished.