What does Yas Forums think of Squizzy?
she's a biological female and she animates so she's cool, right?
What does Yas Forums think of Squizzy?
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Wasn't she part of some petty internet drama not long ago?
I swear to god, I can't keep up with this crap anymore. I miss the time where content creators did just art projects and weren't on each others throats 24/7.
she kept pushing the australian fires as some big deal i know
false rape accusations
when called out for it, claimed she was committing suicide
blatant speedosausage rip off
No clue
speedoru never made a viseo about twitch thots
she cheated?
She is copying his style but while replacing the humor for "hahaha FOLLOW MY TWITTER VIEWS"
this is a retsrded take
name seven ways she is copying his "style"
chink that dated a pedo
why should i care?
i mean, i cared enough to reply but my excuse is that i ain't got shit to do
she's asian? why do i think all girls on the internet are white?
so THIS is the future of animation
she used to have a more blatant asian name before doing the "hnnngh squishy weird words dude lmao"
>fluid anatomically correct short scene that contrast with the rest of the video
>random face zoom
>frenetic mental breakdown
>different characters drawn in different styles wit one being closer to anime while other being typical western/newgrounds/youtube
>goofy to dark to goofy to dark
>written message at the end
>similar artstyle
no go full denial
>Kevin gets treated like shit at home, cps doesn't do anything after the reports
>lives off school lunch, cheez-its, and store brand soda. gov won't qualify his family for food stamps despite his dad working minimum wage
>goes to a school that makes kids pay for field trips so he never gets to go to them
>school does charities every semester and socially penalizes kids too poor to donate
>gov also refuses to improve school's infrastructure, making it even worse to attend
>school implements even more mandatory lockdown drills
>teachers give him shit for his refusal to participate in american patriotism
Kevin knows what's up
Now the real question do you think she ever roleplayed with Pyro a scenario where she's feeding him cake until he grows to enormous size
pyro's too busy raping 15 year old french girls
I like her videos, can you recommend me more channnels lihe hers and these two I found recently?
>Wasn't she part of some petty internet drama not long ago?
IIRC, she was a contributor in slandering another medium-tier YouTuber/friend for sexual assault using weak evidence and doubled down when people saw through that shit. She then had a spastic fit when people were accusing her of abusing her pets ironically with weak evidence. She also drew porn on her friends. One of whom was 16.
>I swear to god, I can't keep up with this crap anymore. I miss the time where content creators did just art projects and weren't on each others throats 24/7.
Why can't I be you?
didnt she date pyrocynical? how's he doing now?
Can we stop talking about this 19 year old little girl? She is just a teenager for fucks sake, at this age people brains are still developing and and their bodies are full of hormones, she is literally always high and will only mature at early 20s the only reason why goverments replaced adulthood age of 21(biologically based) to 18(height based) is to make people stop bitching about the goverment sending teenagers to die in the war.
>Can we stop talking about this 19 year old little girl?
>19 year old
>Little girl
>not being a big deal
7 LNP credits have been deposited into your account
Based and boomer-pedo-filled
Haha see what I fucking did there?
2016 stuff, weird how no one talks about it nowadays
The Internet truly is the next Hollywood isn't it?
Petty squabbles, stupid gossip, content creators and their personal stuff overshadowing their artistic creations.
The novel thing of the internet in the past is how this was all NOT the case compared to mainstream media and their personalities.
When did it all go so wrong?
the future sure seems horrendous
AhahH AhhahHhAHhhah
dumbo korean soil give giv. bak soil the dirt cloation clay ahHhHahhhahH
muy tai tai