Everyone just thinks he's the joke comic relief guy

>Everyone just thinks he's the joke comic relief guy
>He's actually a gigachad who gets the best girl

Any other examples of this?

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He was still simping after Terra in the end

it doesnt count if hes the main male character and their romance has been obvious from space
the male in a male-female duo is dumb and incompetent in a lotta old cartoons

He gets them all in Go

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Up until season 2.

First season they represented him as some kind of weak character. He developed nicely.

In season 2 he went on a date with the girl of his dreams, the thickest, curviest girl in the classroom, they became a couple and he had also been away for 16 years with a sexy, shortstack shedemon and an ebony amazon.

If they continued the same tendency, this guy would have impregnated Eclipsa, Moon and Janna, so they retconned him drastically.


Fuck, forgot to add pic.

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And then he became an awful teenager who turned girls gay and followed Star like a puppy

Which was fucking dumb. One of the few things they got right with a token minority is that they made him cute, and they straight fucked it up.

He WAS a chad during S2 (partially S3 cause he was still fucking Hekapuss at star's back), it would have been a good show and a glorious end if he would have had both girls' asses, one on each hand.

But sadly 'MC must be happy and get whatever she wants' finale came in.... and fucked up everything.

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>If they continued the same tendency

This was planned by Sabrina and her bloody damned LGBT agenda, she couldn't allow a show where a guy was succesfully making women fall for him by accident, so she got her hands in the matter.

the master

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Ron and his whole character is like a guy who's suppose to be the main character, but dosen't wan to

That's not Bonny

Usually this is done to make the male character relatable, most people have an innate instinct to despise everyone more successful than them, so they tone down every "cool" aspect of the male character and make him a loser so getting the girl doesn't make him as detestable.

Sometimes it's just a self-proclaimed clown writer self-inserting though.

But Junior, which is an actual rich giga chad, got with Bonnie which was the alpha bitch of the show only losing maybe to Shego.

Also does the funny/dorky guy ever gets the girl in real life?

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>Also does the funny/dorky guy ever gets the girl in real life?

*A* girl, maybe, but THE girl, never.

he is also jewish

Not real life, that's for sure.

Not even counting fanships like the Three Cab's, Donny has a whole bunch of waifu's in the Euro comics and even straight up fucked a space princess who is absolutely devoted to him.

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Yes, funny/dorky can still be cute and interesting. Doesn't have to be some fat neckbeard

Threadly reminder that Ron was a chad and Kim always wanted the D

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I'm so fucking glad this era of cartoons is over. Ugly retards ending up with attractive, competent women hilariously out of their league. This shitty trope is insulting to both men and women alike. I fucking despised it as a kid and I fucking despise it now.

Shego/Drakken is even worse and makes me so fucking mad like you wouldn't believe. That's just pure spite.

Man the writers hate Donald. Between them constantly making fun of his voice, not letting him be an actual sailor, and just treating him like a joke, it hurts.

I mean, his legendary bad luck is part of the character.

Not the bad luck, but the writers not liking him generally.

>Good father
>Good friend
>Secretly a wise master in spite of lack of traditional smarts

Goofy is the best.

That's just inevitable. Donald's a male character whose longest-running defining trait is that he doesn't take shit from anyone. That's a death sentence in a 2020 american cartoon.

>make him a loser so getting the girl doesn't make him as detestable.
That's what makes him even MORE detestable! I don't mind good looking charming guys like Eugene from Tangled getting the girl. It's the whimpy idiots that make my blood boil. They get handed the girl on a silver platter for no fucking reason. Some loser with no (or very few) redeeming qualities is suddenly the best a perfect woman can get. Give me a break.