Canon pedophiles

Canon pedophiles.

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haw haw haw

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I always thought Khensu was gay until we saw his past gf.

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hussie is based and architectpilled

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What's up, Vriska from the hit webcomic Homestuck

The cat?

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>constantly staring at a little girl’s chest
>coerces said girl to hang out with him in his basement

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That Vicky
Frankly I wish to be a 12yo emo boy

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She's closer to a hebephile.


Cursed Pic

>those faces

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How has this not been posted yet?

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>implied to be around the same age as Tramp
>constantly refers to Angel (who is the same age as Tramp's son) as "my girl",in a very non-father-daughter way

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Doesn't count if they're close in age.

What did she mean by this?

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