Why did they have to make her so thicc?
Mars Needs Moms
you people will really fuck anything
>Mars Needs Moms
Biggest bomb in cinema history.
>not wanting to fuck THIS
only a homosexual wouldn't
user Needs Mommies
Her face kind of ruins it
>Why did they have to make her so thicc?
Because, as the title implies, Mars needs moms
Yeah, i just saw that saberspark video too user.
Kind of a weird point for him to fixate on desu, thought he was gay.
I to, watched the saberspark video.
We meet again, king
Question is why they had to make them so ugly.
Her face is kinda cute!
he made out like Ki's sexiness was a bad thing, he's pretty fucking gay
This is basic bitch tier weird
you're just uncultured user
I remember Mr. Enter saying this was a bad movie because there's a part where they're speaking Martian and there's no subtitles, even though their emotions were being conveyed through their tone, facial expressions, body language, the music, the lighting, the shot composition, etc. Don't get me wrong, it's still a bad movie, but that was one of those numerous times where his literal autism skewed his perception.
Thanks friend!
For a large part of the film, the audience could only see one sex of their species. The childbearing hips make it obvious they have been seeing females.
This isn't even that weird. The animators made sure to give them really big hips and everything.
i do.
We wouldn't fuck you.
>where_do_you_think_ we_are.bmp
I think she's kinda cute, but if it's a problem for you user then just fuck her doggy style. Did you not see her bending over in the top right pic of ? I would do everything to her.
If the the martians had to live on Earth, and had internet access, what fetishes would the martian women adopt from the humans?
Nigga wut
They should have made the whole cast xenos or possibly robots. Maybe then the movie would actually be successful.
Shut up saberpark.
He's pretty fucking telegraphing. Just like with furries.
So they want to walk around with strap-ons and fake mustaches?