Isn't it kinda weird that this scene only exists so that some select fans can fap to it?

Isn't it kinda weird that this scene only exists so that some select fans can fap to it?

Why do cartoons insist on doing this?

Attached: Rick and Morty.jpg (1280x720, 107.27K)

Attached: Snake Jazz - (Rick and Morty season 4 episode 5)-.webm (1280x720, 2.23M)

I wish this show had a better art style cause then Summer could actually be cute.

Attached: tumblr_phgacbp9rg1tuy7huo1_1280.jpg (620x1105, 109.09K)

Cartoonists are huge perverts more often than not. Plenty of famous show runners drew porn of their characters (e.x Bruce Timm) giving us a boner is just a bonus.

who fapped to this scene?


Attached: fish.jpg (500x395, 102.05K)

Not everyone is a coomer

animators might be the biggest coomers in existence, the more talent they have they more degen they become. Look at Bruce Timm for a good example

>people actually choose to watch this garbage

Attached: 1587063805979.png (707x698, 668.34K)

Obviously you referred the pic you posted there and not the OP.

Summer isn't perfect (no one is on her show) but she's still pretty enjoyable. Dunno quite why. So, Summer thread anyone?

Attached: screenshot_redraw__rick_and_morty__by_aninnocentdemon_db4kup0.png (2232x2032, 2.88M)

She's gotten better. They all have, aside from Jerry. But he's more of a point of catharsis, I enjoy hating Jerry. I really hope that's the point otherwise, I've been kicking a guy when he's down, and I'm going to hell.

Summer has a huge mouth.

>Why do cartoons insist on doing this?
Oh shut up, modern cartoons couldn't be more puritan when it comes to females and you decide to shit on the one cartoon that isn't afraid of a little fanservice.

Morty did
In his room
Under his pants.
Honestly surprised they showed a young teenage boy fapping so intensely to his sister's friends on TV.

literally Jerry with a ponytail

Is it Harmon or Roiland who really wants to fuck Summer?

It's funny how she's easily the ugliest girl on the show. Even background characters have been drawn better lately.

Jerry is pretty detestable though


Jerry but with a pony tail

Why do you to the fucking bone autists always attack the reaction pics like it's witty or something?

I think it Harmon

It's not even perverts, they just draw scantily clad girls occassionally and you can only get away with it these days in comedy.

I dislike Jerry because he only really exists to make Rick look better in comparison. Jerry being an actual human being would have made a better contrast with Rick but the Dan just wants to suck the dick of his self insert.

Yeah rick and morty has peak character designs.

Why can't Summer have eyelashes ? Her face is too similar to Jerry, and it's distracting

I agree with you. She should have them. But it's a horrible trend in nearly all modern cartoons not to give females eyelashes. (I think it's actually more common than making them flat chested.)

I did. I screenshotted the scene but cut Summer out so I could jerk it to the big tittied one.

Roiland for sure. Half the show's S1
commentary is him drunk talking about how hot she is.

i thought they were all treasure troll haired soibois

For the guys, it's fap bait.
For the girls, it makes the show slightly more female centric thus making them feel included.
Great pandering Dan.