Am i supposed to hate her? because last episode? jeez

am i supposed to hate her? because last episode? jeez

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I hate her because she's obnoxious and can't shut up. Politics are just the icing on the cake.

Is someone going to post the MEGA or what?

How does this show have any fans

season 1
season 2

SJWs and liberal cronies of Killary schills plus reddit, on top of the zoomers and hipsters.

Daily reminder that Harley and Ivy will never get together.

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My Uncle works a WB and he has insider knowledge that the big twist is that kiteman dies an leaves room for Ivy and Harley shippers

Don't forget coomers that make up at least half of Harley's fandom

because you and others make posts like this obviously

thank you i try my hardest to be an anti stan. its the moral thing to do, to fight the ignorance of fandom. i have a duty and we in general as smarks have to.

please respond

the supporting cast is pretty cool

More buzzword, Corona denial tard

The point is that her perception of love is all fucked up and she literally cannot understand Freeze and Nora because of that.
She's not an asshole because she's an asshole, she's an asshole because she's damaged.

It's Harley Quinn. At her best, she's supposed to be a bombastic fuck-up that slowly figures out a way to fail upwards, but whenever she's at the top, the very fact that she's a bombastic fuck-up guarantees she won't stay up there for long. She's never established as overly competent (or even just plain competent) outside of being generally above-average at fighting with a blunt weapon and intermittently offering some psycho-diagnostic skills, but she usually manages to find a way to succeed or, at least, survive.

Sure, there's an occasional WOKE moment in the show, but it's never a focus and whatever message is present typically finds a way to twist or pervert the woke statement into something clearly and objectively used to do evil, so in a way...there's a tongue-in-cheek nature to whatever wokeness rears it's head that acknowledges that just because someone is woke in some respect doesn't necessarily mean they can be considered a good person for it, so I guess it never bothered me as much as it normally would. It's a nice balance, I think; people that relate to such politics might find satisfaction that their chosen champion of those politics got their way, but anyone else with a hint of critical thought can see that nothing about that victory can be spun into a force for good or positive change, which is something I find unique about this show, and Harley Quinn is the perfect character to do it with.

I don't hate this show's Harley Quinn, even though I typically can't stand the character. Much like Gwenpool, she's an example of a underdog protagonist whose entire draw is centered around their pluck and their antics that usually make things worse, which is a character archetype I'm a bit of a sucker for. Sure, you can have them work their way up to the big leagues in an absolute explosion of outlandish circumstances that enable such a shift of power, but they'll never maintain their newfound place in the pecking order because it's not who they are.

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>She's never established as overly competent (or even just plain competent) outside of being generally above-average at fighting with a blunt weapon and intermittently offering some psycho-diagnostic skills, but she usually manages to find a way to succeed or, at least, survive.
post that page where she takes out Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman

I mean they're villains so...

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This show is just edgelord bullshit for tumblr fujos
I was frankly disgusted with the visibly agonizing massacre of civilians in Gotham at the end of season 1 and the shows treatment of civilians in general
The murder of innocent people is not funny
This show is tasteless shit

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>tumblr fujos

That's a funny of way of saying 30 year old simps. You want fujos go on Yas Forums and read the My Hero Academia threads.

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"Damaged", you say?

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It's weird -- it's like the writers are aware of her faults as a character and aren't shying away from portraying her as petulant, self-absorbed and emotionally unstable but, at the same time, it's as if they're not doing anything to actually make her likable. It's like the opposite of how every other piece of media has tried to portray Harley for the last few years.

so korra?

I only watch this show for Kite Man, King Shark, Dr. Psycho, Clay face, and Ivy has some good moments and jokes.

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What's this have to do with the show?

characters have a fun dynamic plus bruce timm


While that is actually a great point. It doesn't help that she is an annoying asshole who wants everything to go her way. And to some extent, I get it she played the side kick for all her life and got treated like shit, so of course she should get some things to go her way. But she's needs to learn that she can't get everything she wants.

I really want to like this character but they are making it really hard. Plus all the supporting characters are better, I care more about King Shark or Kiteman than I do about her.

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Where can I watch this show for fucking free?

God, that's precisely it -- that's the only other example of this kind of character I can recall where she was written with depth and fallibility but not give any real redeeming traits.

It's all on youtube you just have to act fast.