Jesus Christ

What the fuck is wrong with this guy???

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>used an ancient ritual to infuse the city with his consciousness

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Sounds totally like something Bruce would do to be honest


Stupid but cool as fuck

No idea but I fucking love it, the more stupid bullshit comics pull the more heroclix figs we get. This would make a sick Gotham map

Everyone in Gotham are literally shitting on Batman.

Would you prefer Batman-infused bricks or experimental internet gas

I'm beginning to feel like a Bat God, Bat God

>bruce is a cityformer

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His sidekick, Robin the Street.

Done already 20 years before, thats why I hate this hacks. All the ideas they had are only revamps. It wasnt Bruce himself but we already had an arc in the 90s were Gotham turned out to be infused with the consciousness of some person or another by an ancient ritual AND Gotham was in love with Tim Drake. So miss me with this bulltshit. Go enjoy your "cat and bat and cat and bat and hat" pamphlets.

I fucking hate Scott Snyder. Dude always comes up with solid, cool, or just interesting ideas, and then proceeds to completely waste them. I am still salty about the Justice League Megazord. Fuck this.

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Wait so it's like Danny the Street but he's the entire Gotham City?

Everyone in Metal was Evil Batman + other superhero. This is Evil Batman + Danny the Living street.

Bruce Bricks. It's the type of dumb but fun shit that interests me in capeshit. Grandpa's internet gas is plain stupid.

Keep your hands off of my Danny you fucking leeches Grant pls do something

Robin the WonderWall

It's a cool idea, Snyder's just gonna fuck it up. It's a shame. He's unironically the closest thing we have to Kirby but instead of playing to his strengths and focusing on characters, he keeps trying to make these huge, sweeping epics that don't go anywhere because he can't write a story.

>closest thing we have to Kirby
Excuse me?

He was in the Doom Patrol show recently.

>He's unironically the closest thing we have to Kirby

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The closest thing we have to Kirby is Morrison and even then that's not saying much

>It wasnt Bruce himself
Then it hasn't been done yet

That's a great idea though.

Comics died in the 90s

same shit but whatever, if you enjoy this trash suit yourself

Ewing went to hell to resurrect them.

If only copyright laws were as lenient as this user
>See, your honor, this exact plotline may be lifted entirely, but now it's being done with this other character!
>Case closed!

Untrue! The 21st century has given us many comics, like my BDSM Lesbians or my Fantasy Stickfigures, or my Finnish Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy Adventure.
I guess all the good stuff is in the webcomics...

Snyder is nothing but an idea man that can hardly ever execute them or weave a decent narrative around them

Shut up, retard. Only stupid people go "hurrr ackshualllllyyy this sounds sorta kinda this other thing". Your brain lacks creativity.

Did he just make that up looking at this weird building in the background?

Kirby's entire thing was making new characters, and fleshing out mythos. We don't have anyone like that high enough to matter in the current industry. There's Hastings who can never find work, Rucka who despite being involved in DC's best runs never seems to get any traction, and Bendis who creates characters and actively erodes the mythos of comics just by standing in an office, and Abnett who's become the living embodiment of phoning it in. It's a classic case of "nobody capable is in a position to do anything" but Snyder is the closest to filling that niche.

>Idea is stolen
>"Your brain lacks creativity"