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ITT: Yas Forums stuff that isn't common knowledge
Garfield is a reserve member of the Legion.
She Hulk fucked J Jonah Jameson's son
In what way?
She can't fly
I want to kill myself and when I'm at work I fantasize about setting myself on fire in my car
She flies in modern comics, has been since at least Final Crisis. Coupled with the cartoon version always flying, there is no way to know that was some important part of her character any longer.
Birds Of Prey would have been better if Gaggy was there instead of Harley Quinn
Electro isn't human.
did they ever explain what he was?
Well not since the movie he isn't.
Maybe back in the day, but I'm pretty sure she can fly now.
The movies are less canon that the retcons
Finally something I didn't know.
And this is kino
he had a x-gene that was dormant or incomplete and the lightning bolt activated it. any superhuman whose not a mutant basically had a x-gene that was awoken by their origin.
except captain America. his abilities don't come from the activation of a dormant or incomplete x-gene
Gosh he's cute
Pre-Flashpoint she got it fixed in, I thinkg R.E.B.E.L.S.
Your homo-erotic fixation on Gaggy is fascinating.
He's not a mutant, Magneto even knows this. They just never really elaborated what the fuck happened to Electro after getting struck by lightning. It's like Sandman, his powers don't make any fucking sense, god particle or not.
You want my personal headcanon? Both Sandman and Electro died in their accidents, and are just ghosts
He looks retarded
A ghost possessing the sand of the beach he was killed on sounds like a horror story.
>Both Sandman and Electro died in their accidents, and are just ghosts
Well, they're not "really" ghosts.
They lost their souls and they're now just zombies with their previous memories.
Think at a man who died and turned into a zombie, yes he has all the memories of his old life, but is does he still have the soul?
No a ghost would be a better classification than a zombie. William and Max are ghosts that can manifest into physical form through their respective elements. Neither of them even need to eat, nor do they really have any sort of biology that makes sense. Max is more energy than he is matter
>"Join me, and together we can be Electro-Magneto!"
This is silly.
And Juggernaut
The Hulk can smell lies and see ghosts
He can also breath underwater
Is that really a thing or is he just constantly drowning but can’t die?
>Is that really a thing or is he just constantly drowning but can’t die?
he can adapt
She fucked everyone in Slott's run, All you have to do is say 2 words to her & She'll hop into bed with you.
>Slotts run
>Implying this wasn't the norm before
You going to keep spamming this stuff every time we talk about She Hulk now?
Biggest slut in Marvel.
I never understood why the experiments on her didn't fix it since it gave her all the other energy powers. Flying sounds like it would come with it
>>Implying this wasn't the norm before
I guess you don't know the difference between Marilyn Monroe & Anna Nicole Smith?
What was your favorite part when Marvel Comics are in the Marvel Universe or that Jen say "OHMIGOSH" 9 times every issue?
Or How She got kick out of Avengers Mansion for being a Glutinous Pig, Bringing in Strange guys Every night & being a Slob?