Captain America thread

I like that Cap stopped saying "I can do this all day" after the events of Civil War, its like he's just fucking tired of doing the right thing always

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I don't know if it was quite that. I think he was just tired. Tired of fighting, tired of being alone, tired of all the weird bullshit of the future.

he's become jaded and cynical since then.

He said it like two times in all of his movies.

Yeah, but if he doesn't say the line all the time, how will we, the audience, know he actually believes in it?!?

Oh fuck yeah, Steve thread!

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Cap did nothing wrong. Tony basically copied Hydra

Shitty how he was cut off so early, fuck Whedon for trying to be cute with that shit.

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We got a better pay-off in Endgame so i'm glad he wasn't allowed to put it in.

i don't think there's much depth in that line other than fan service, but if there is any i think the idea was that his character hasn't changed any since the beginning of his arc. he never says the line in the movie but the sentiment is there when he stands alone against thanos' army after getting his ass kicked. he's a static character, his morals are unchanged

they made it his catchphrase

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I'm glad he said it, but he could have said it louder at least.

Yeah that's kind of my only gripe with that scene. Cap's always shouting that thing.

>Why, of course I don't trust my friend who nearly sacrificed himself for the world many times to understand a brainwashed man isn't responsible for his actions, so, I didn't tell him, how could you tell?

>Why, of course I don't trust my friend who constantly creates his own problems due to hubris, sometimes even exacerbating them when made aware of them, and is emotionally immature enough to push other people away because he's wholly convinced that only his way is the right way and other people just can't see things the way he does, to understand a brainwashed man isn't responsible for his actions, which is why he tried to kill him right then and there despite being shown firsthand that he's brainwashed by the guy 100% responsible for the whole mess in the first place, so, I didn't tell him, how could you tell?

I mean look what happened.

It's pointless to claim that explaining it calmly to Tony, right after WS, before Ultron would have the same effects.
>sit Tony down
>explain you discovered HYDRA everywhere, even in the politicians that tried to bring Stark down
>explain you found out poor brainwashed soldier
>stress he's not responsible for his actions, get Tony to agree, he has no investment in things yet
>go on with the story, fully sobbily explain it's your best buddy
>ask Stark's help to find Bucky and help him
>keep saying they made your buddy do horrible things against his will
>then drop that you suspect the Stark's deaths is among them, after Tony fully sympathized with you

This would have very different results than it being thrown in Tony's face post Ultron-guilt, post CW breaking the team, along with the knowledge that Steve hid it from him for months (years?)

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I liked how that scene uses it. It shows that Cap has just became jaded.

Here's the thing people overlook with Civil War, everyone was shitting on Tony and blaming him for their problems. That woman blamed her dead son on him, the government was pressuring him, Cap even gave him a dirty look for not telling him about the Accords as Ross was talking, and then all the other Avengers blame Iron Man for being caught by the government, even though Tony was trying to make the most of the situation. Everyone was shitting on Tony.

But the moment someone wronged Tony?
"Oh, he didn't mean it, he was mind controlled"

That's why he snapped. Yes, Ultron was his mistake, but throughout Civil War, everyone was blaming their problems on Tony even though he had no real control in any of it. So now telling the guy they were all shitting on to not be angry at the guy who has killed his parents, and the fact that they kept that fact from him? You'd probably lose it too.

That doesn’t make it okay for him to kill a brainwashed person, even T’Challa calmed down and that guy JUST lost his dad

Endgame assemble line sucked ass. They just put it in with no impact

No one did user say it would be okay for Tony to kill Bucky.
The problem is everyone (most other characters, narrative, audience) single Tony out in terms of whether he's allowed mistakes or not.

considering , what was Tony's excuse? I already stated that he's emotionally immature and prone to bouts of impulsive and selfish behavior that creates problems or even makes them worse, that's a defining character trait that he never ever really got over even when he eventually fixes his fuck ups.

Tony got shit on a lot in the MCU because a lot of issues are his fault or byproducts of his rash behavior.

Nah, I don't buy it. Tony owned up to most of the stuff he did continuously and felt horrible for his fuckups, the problem that caused his breakdown wasn't some constant underlying issue, it's that everything came crushing on him and he realized his friends weren't giving him the benefit of the doubt

It had all the impact it needed.

It wouldn’t break anyone, it broke Tony because he already had a lot of issues regarding emotions and his parents and his asshole personality. That’s like saying Nick Fury would blame Hawkeye because what he did under the Mind Stone, Fury had to deal with a lot of shit and he didn’t try to kill mind controlled people

Black Panther spent the whole movie trying to kill him despite likely knowing the deal with the Winter Soldier and how he's had his brain cooked. If he watched his dad be beat to death by Bucky he probably would have flipped too.

I really like this Did you know? scene because everyone involved, except ironically Bucky, come out of it not exactly being in the right while still being understandable. Cap keeping the information from Tony absolutely makes sense but that doesn't make him any less of a hypocrite
>Tony Stark: Thor didn't say where he was going for answers?
>Steve Rogers: [annoyed.] Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things.
and it does show off his character that, in the movie that really focuses on how he stands firm to his beliefs, he compromised his morals for the sake of his best bud. And in regards to Tony they were really building up his instability for movies now, even losing Pepper for Civil War which was a crucial piece to his mental health in previous installments, so no duh he would react so berserk seeing what happened to his mom and dad. You get the sense that his not being able to make up with his father has really weighed on him, which was why the Russos threw him a bone by allowing him to interact with his pa giving him closure right before the end in Endgame.

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No, it would, you're an idiot.

Thor lost a lot of shit, he didn’t attack innocent people