Is the joke supposed to be that Seth comically misses the point of why people were insulted by Marie Antoinette's words?
>hey people took offense with what she said but check out what was going to say initially! man people sure were pussies to get offended by the least offensive of the three responses, haha
Even though people were insulted because they were dying of starvation and a royal figure had no idea what was going on in her very own country, her wording had nothing to do with it.
Is the joke supposed to be that Seth comically misses the point of why people were insulted by Marie Antoinette's words?
You need to get a hobby.
Marie Defense Force checking in. Just want to say that Marie Antoinette never said "Let them eat cake". People who hated the monarchy latched onto it, though. The truth is that Marie Antoinette cared a lot about poor people and their struggles.
It wasn't Marie Antoinette tho.
People just hated her because she was a strong foreign women and they were sexist.
>that pic
This actually might be the most unfunny joke I've ever seen written, is Seth McFarlane mentally 11?
>get famous or successful through popular project
>finally get a free pass to make ‘what you always wanted to’ and what you’ve been talking about forever like it’s why you got into animation
>it’s a set of unrelated weak shorts called ‘‘s flipping dippity woozle wozzle hour’
Why? Brad Neely did the same thing
Bullshit if she did then she wouldnt have been beheaded
Marie Antoinette didn't even say that originally.
Once people have decided they don't like the current leader, they'll just latch on to anything negative they hear, whether it's true or not.
do you really believe that?
What level of "caring for the poor" do you think she'd have to commit to? Maybe if she literally gave up her wealth and fled to marry a farmer, then sure, she wouldn't have gotten fucked over, but no matter how much "pro-people activism" she did among the royalty, it wouldn't have saved her from getting axed once people decided they they don't want the royalty at-fucking-all.
Pretty sure that during the French revolution, random people would get beheaded at the drop of a hat
except she literally never said that and was part of a long-standing libel campaign against the royal family. should see the political cartoons of the time
>Not even a 'Let them eat ass'
Which would've actually been slightly funnier than 'Let them eat shit'
Honestly, how the fuck do these people have jobs.
Guys, it was called the Reign of Terror, not the Careful and Thorough Ethical Audit to Preserve Those Who Are Moral in the Ruling Class
This. Imagine being so privileged in the modern day as to assume the French Revolution was about attitudes and not wealth distribution
Trump defense squad in full force today
>Spend a shit ton of the colonists' money on exotic food, private entertainment performences, expensive art collections, luxury items, and other unneccessary things
Heh, nothing personnel, peasant.
>Trump defense squad
You got me all wrong, I'm all in favor of beheading all millionaires and billionaires regardless of their political affiliations. I think that Antoinette deserved to lose her head whether she politely smiled at the peasants or not.
how is talking about the french revolution connected to trump?
mobs rarely operate on logic and common sense
you weren't supposed to point that out
Yas Forums is his hobby.
Also ‘let them eat cake’ isn’t offensive, it’s a flippant plea to trade her pantry of desserts to the starving masses for her head, after they’ve already seized her home in a revolution caused by her class’ hoarding of resources
Nigga the French Revolution was absolutely fucking bonkers and at one point wanted to kill literally everyone related to nobility even if they weren't nobles themselves.
rent free
Servants of nobility were getting the chop.
It was the prototype of stuff like the Khmer Rouge executing people for wearing glasses.
The only good thing to come out if the French Revolution was my boy here.
Damn Perfidious Albion
It's weird how when you read more and more into Napoleon, how half the time he comes across as this insanely cunning genius who makes whole armies crumble beneath him, but the other half of the time he comes off as a sexually frustrated teenager who just wants to fuck and has severe oneitis for his cheating girlfriend.
So what you are saying is that England is a big whore?
>Antoinette knew so little about the poor that at her personal estate she had her servants create a mock-up of a peasants farmhouse so she could pretend
>Bite my shiny metal ass
So French Revolution was Bender messing with the timeline? Good to know.