Did you like Parallax?

Did you like Parallax?

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before Rebirth, a lot

He was one of DC's best villains.

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Pre-Retcon: an incredibly interesting an sympathetic villain
Post-Retcon: expanded the GL mythos by leaps and bounds
I’d prefer if Hal was in control of his actions, I like Pre-Retcon Parallax a little bit better, but it’s impossible to deny the impact Post-Retcon Parallax had on the mythos.
He’s great either way.

Making Hal being mindcontrolled by the so called Fear Entity was DC's greatest mistake.
Not only the retcon ruined Kyle's role as the savior of Green Lanterns.
But it ruined Guy Gardner, he was finally having a role that wasn't "Human Green Lantern number 3", he was Warrior, a vuldarian anti-hero, he was finally his own character, we had an arc of him moving on from being a GL and now it's ruined by him being the cocky jerk he was before.
It ruined John Stewart, years passed at him being in Hal's shadow were finally over, he was finally realizing he didn't need a ring to be an hero, he didn't even need a Darkstar armor, he just needed to be himself. For me he could have been a New Guardian of the Universe if we needed him to be "important" again.
Hal Jordan's character arc ruined, he was finally a serious man, he take seriously his job as Green Lantern and after the retcon he went back to being the young reckless asshole as if he didn't learn anything.
And "parallax was the cause of the yellow weakness of the GLs" is stupid if we consider that we already had the explanation of the Guardians puting limitations on the rings for not making the GLs too powerful.

The retcon ruined the Green Lanterns as whole
I don't even care about the other Lantern corps, I just wanted that status quo to not be god.

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The retcon was stupid and a mistake

It's literally the only interesting thing about Hal.


It was great and DC needed their own magneto. Johns ruined the character, it already had a good redemption, the fearbug shit was terrible.

I have only read the 3 geoff johns green lantern omnibuses, aswell as the GL/GA hard traveling heroes. What issues/trades/omnibuses do I read for parallax storyline?

>DC needed their own magneto
Magneto is just a rip off of the Brain

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It was pretty good, Parallax expanded DC cosmology and felt really fresh when compared to almost anything else DC and Marvel had as cosmic beings.

>Emerald Twilight
Fucking retarded complete heel-turn and out of nowhere
Still kinda dumb but at least he was being competent and getting shit done
>Post Zero-Hour GL Appearances
Getting much better because he was being used as a foil to Kyle to show what happens if you let power corrupt you despite noble goals and eventually realizing that maybe he went a little too far
>Final Night
A good completion of the character arc for Hal and he stops being a villain
>Day of Judgement
Fantastic direction for Parallax/Hal to get back into the limelight, but not let him get away with everything he did
>GL: Rebirth
Back to being retarded.

At least in Convergence we got to see a little of the old Parallax show up, but then was swiftly shown to be the same fear bug version when he showed up in Hobo Hal. He's still out there too and I'm really surprised no one has used him since.

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Typical literally who DC character

>Fucking retarded complete heel-turn and out of nowhere
it was a mental breakdown so it had to be out of nowhere, but the story was rushed as fuck and needed at least 6 more issues to make sense

I'm a Marvelfag but I have a base knowledge of Green Lantern, as I understand it Parallax is some evil alien god entity that controls Hal for a storyline? What was the retcon and why is it (apparently) shit?

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No, after his city got destroyed Hal is broken, tries to bring back the people from his city using his ring for "selfish" reasons, the guy is devastated and the green jews try to punish him and tell him he is a retard, Hal has a mental breakdown, wants the power of the central battery, gets into fights with other lanters, takes their rings to get more power, eventually fights what he believes is sinestro, and gets drunk with power, he fails at everything, ends up killing the lanterns that were marooned on space, he takes the identity of parallax and fucks out to space to deal with his shame and guilt and cope with it by being a villian, he uses his power to try to mess with the timelime and "fix everything", his time as a bad guy is defined by seeking more power to "fix" the universe and save everyone, he eventually sacrifies himself to save earth after the sun starts to die.

The retcon is that it was never really hal, Geoff Johns tells us Hal was insecure about his hair greying, so that insecurity allowed the fear bug that (trapped) in the central battery to enter inside him, and everything bad he did was the fear bug's fault, hal was just an innocent victim.

Hal was not insecure about his gray hair. The gray hair was a result of Parallax.

I like everything Mahke draws and inks.

Covered kind of here Think of it like the Dark Phoenix Saga for DC but with editorial meddling to make it happen in the first place.
Hal's city gets blown up by a villain originally he takes it in stride and isn't really bothered by it but...
>Failing sales editorial wants to get rid of him and launch a replacement hero
That leads to retconning/making Hal obsessed with rebuilding the city (and resurrecting the people that died which is way beyond his power to do) he exhausts his rings power and the Guardians tell him he's broken the rules. He snaps at them and goes rogue planning to drain the central battery for more power the guardians send other lanterns to stop him but he starts killing them and taking their rings. In the end he wins... and gets to the central battery and drains it. The guardians eek out one last ring that they end up giving to Kyle Rayner
From this point on he's a villain until
>Final Night
Gives him a well-handled redemption death. in-spite of how everything else was handled people latch on to it because of how good this was.
Parallax is made into a cosmic entity that possessed Hal which explains the contrast between his initial reaction and his complete delusion at the start of emerald twilight.
Ultimately it's one of those "but the iconic moment!" things where people like Final Night's ending more than they care for the context of Hals character

To make him insecure. But that is irrelevant, it was EXTREMELY stupid.

t. Heatfag Johnsfag

pls spoonfeed me


I don't think the sales were even that bad considering we had 3 main GL books coming out with Mosaic doing pretty well from what the last letters page said. I think Dooley (editor at the time) just wanted his own Death/Return of Superman or Knightfall so he decided that Hal breaking down was the best bet. Ironically, that change lasted much longer than other similar events from the 90's.

You can probably get away with reading just the Death/Return of Superman to get the gist of Coast City blowing up, GL vol 3 from 48 onwards which is Emerald Twilight then Kyle's run where he shows up every once in a while. Zero Hour for his master plan and Final Night for his eventual death. He stays gone for a few years until Day of Judgement when he becomes the Spectre and has his own run on that with Spectre vol 4. This lasts until Gl Rebirth (2004).

Also, here's some SOUL from the 90's.

Hal was not insecure about his gray hair. It says here he didn’t really give it any thought.

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>That leads to retconning/making Hal obsessed with rebuilding the city (and resurrecting the people that died which is way beyond his power to do) he exhausts his rings power and the Guardians tell him he's broken the rules. He snaps at them and goes rogue planning to drain the central battery for more power the guardians send other lanterns to stop him but he starts killing them and taking their rings. In the end he wins... and gets to the central battery and drains it. The guardians eek out one last ring that they end up giving to Kyle Rayner
What a hilarious character asssassination, how the fuck can anyone miss, let alone defend this crap? Cosmic possession is easily less retarded than that. This is almost as bad as the whole King Thor fiasco.

The original fall is hamfisted/retarded due to being AT LEAST a 6 issue story crammed into 3 issues to meet the 50 issue milestone, but what Marz and other writers did with him afterwards was actually very good. His and Kyle's interactions throughout Kyle's run were some of my favorite moments.

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Thanks for the rundown, my question now is about the lanterns he kills, does he do it in any kind of accident/going overboard during a fight sort of way or just he just straight up decide to murder them?

No one says that Emerald Twilight isn’t contrived as hell. It is. Personally my least favorite part of Space Bug Parallax is that it sorta ruins Hal’s spectacular redemption arc in Final Night and Spectre.

He straight up decided to kill them. No accidents.