these threads were good up until the SU and AT fags infected them
These threads were never good. It was the same 7 characters over and over again, and they weren't even good characters.
>cp derailment/honeypot general
That's just a fat pig.
Oink oink, fat purple pig.
Oh good, another fatfag thread.
reverse thicc
The fuck?
It’s best if you didn’t know.
Stop it, user...
Someone dropped legit cheese pizza right in the middle of the thread. It was an experience, an awful unfortunate experience.
reminder that these threads are spammed by a booty blasted poltard who got mad beacuse people would rather coom that talk about his shitty political bait
>thicc thread
>all the characters are absolute TRASH
Every fucking time. I end up just saving one or two pics at most and leave.
I hate how this pandemic shit has caused poltards to spread like... well, the virus.
just look at the archives you retard
How about you discuss neither and discuss actual comics and cartoons like this board was intended for and not Yas Forums and /aco/ shit
both are shit
This isn't the place for you either, coombrain.
Denounce your hypocrisy and kill yourself.
What is with Amethyst's face?
Nice shadman tracing
the only thing better than Thicc is Thiccc
Tracing Shadman of all people. SUfans everyone.
>link in name field
Not gonna click that shit. 95% it's yet again cp.
I just checked
it's a nude screencap edit of wendy from peter pan and it's censored.
Sticc becoming Thicc > Thicc> Sticc