Attached: steven_universe_fut-3806.jpg (603x618, 36.93K)

these threads were good up until the SU and AT fags infected them

These threads were never good. It was the same 7 characters over and over again, and they weren't even good characters.

Attached: Gogo_Tomago_by_Jay-Marvel.png (1425x1125, 401.22K)

>cp derailment/honeypot general

Attached: A4D16000-4E67-4C55-AA31-3E24FB469694.png (787x1000, 378.03K)

That's just a fat pig.
Oink oink, fat purple pig.

Attached: 2018-07-05 11.44.02.png (800x1060, 373.35K)

Attached: Commission%3a_Dat_Thong!_by_CK-Draws-Stuff (1).jpg (1100x1600, 242.58K)

Oh good, another fatfag thread.

reverse thicc

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The fuck?

Attached: 964DD659-C6BC-4559-A350-5CDA6EEB7D7D.png (1041x923, 177.77K)

It’s best if you didn’t know.


Stop it, user...

Attached: runt.jpg (540x470, 31.23K)

Someone dropped legit cheese pizza right in the middle of the thread. It was an experience, an awful unfortunate experience.

Attached: Zoey's_Big_Butt_SwimSuit_by_youngrich57.jpg (2480x3508, 946.07K)


Attached: 1586544726973.png (887x1440, 1.02M)

reminder that these threads are spammed by a booty blasted poltard who got mad beacuse people would rather coom that talk about his shitty political bait

>thicc thread
>all the characters are absolute TRASH
Every fucking time. I end up just saving one or two pics at most and leave.

I hate how this pandemic shit has caused poltards to spread like... well, the virus.


just look at the archives you retard

Attached: 43261126-DC14-460F-A10B-B51CD08B31CA.jpg (1024x1441, 82.45K)


Attached: 1582308743911.jpg (791x1010, 60.87K)

How about you discuss neither and discuss actual comics and cartoons like this board was intended for and not Yas Forums and /aco/ shit

both are shit

Attached: 17006C59-4AD3-44C3-A249-E2E8D543D03D.png (589x886, 223.68K)

This isn't the place for you either, coombrain.
Denounce your hypocrisy and kill yourself.

What is with Amethyst's face?

Nice shadman tracing

Attached: E1DE39C7-B6E9-4E41-B15B-93598F452445.png (1518x1400, 312.73K)

the only thing better than Thicc is Thiccc

Tracing Shadman of all people. SUfans everyone.

Attached: wow.jpg (1518x1121, 118.56K)

>link in name field
Not gonna click that shit. 95% it's yet again cp.

I just checked
it's a nude screencap edit of wendy from peter pan and it's censored.

Sticc becoming Thicc > Thicc> Sticc