What other excuses can Marvel and DC going to push to explain super-low sales?

What other excuses can Marvel and DC going to push to explain super-low sales?

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>shitty Korean cuckold comics are beating DC and MC
I guess that's just show how many magnitudes shittier SJW and Feminist in particular writing and art is. DC and Marvel really need to get rid of this retarded Amerisoi Portlandian fiefdom that's grown like Syphilis on their corpses and is carving holes in it.

It probably has more to do with the barrier to entry. Free stuff tends to draw people in.

Hardcore leveling warrior is not that bad

You get free DC and MC comics on the Internet but nobody even bothers to pirate that shit unless it's pre-Portlandia invasion.

American comics don't sell because nobody wants to read about superheroes. Period. If this industry had any kind of real, tangible variety(fuck off, indieshills) maybe it wouldn't be in such a sorry state.

First of all some fat fuck like Dan Slot isn't going to be attracting the female market. I know that's been the be all end all of DC and Marvel and they've catastrophically failed at it and we've laughed at them

We've seen what it's like for a series to get infested with women just from Anime. My Hero Academia is ground zero for this, and it's for arbitrary and shitty characters like Bakugo. Nobody put a label on that character, "this is the one you're supposed to like. It was made for you"

They don't know how to tap into a committed consumer market. It's plain and simple.

And nobody wants to read about your Gender Studies dressed up as superheroes or anything else either.

If I wanted to read about someone inserting politics and their own life problems into comics, I at least want it to be someone with style and the ability to separate themselves from their own emotions and apply some wisdom and intelligence into it, which is the stark opposite of your retarded Angloshart Feminists and SJWs who always make caricatures and infantile retardation out of their self-inserts because that's how they are in real life i guess.

Webtoons is digital and free

>My Hero Academia
>Literally a school for superheroes

What the fuck DO you want to read about? Because political opinion is extant in every single work of fiction ever made. Stories do not exist in a vacuum, nor separate from their creator. Fuck off.

If I want to read all the stuff about Goku, I will start with Dragon Ball.
If I want to read all the stuff about Deadpool, I will shoot myself instead of trying to read all the stuff about Deadpool.

Are you too retarded to read? Or did your feefees stop you from reading a post to the end?

>23 Million Copies sold
>Nobody wants to read Super Heroes

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look at him
look at him and laugh

Answer the question. What kind of story do you want to read?

Please, it's a shonen with a superhero aesthetic.

>to read about superheroes.
>manga about superheroes in the top 10 bestsellers
>shit loads internet novels about superheroes that are popular
Shut up libtard, people love superheroes, they just don't like your superheroes.

OP literally posted an example of the most read digital comic being about a girl courted by two rich kids

I already answered, but you are now acting full retard because you lacked reading comprehension or lack the ability to read a post to the end before rushing to make a full retard out of yourself.
Here, let me repeat what i said since you are stupid as shit and can't scroll up:
>If I wanted to read about someone inserting politics and their own life problems into comics, I at least want it to be someone with style and the ability to separate themselves from their own emotions and apply some wisdom and intelligence into it, which is the stark opposite of your retarded Angloshart Feminists and SJWs who always make caricatures and infantile retardation out of their self-inserts because that's how they are in real life i guess.
Is this too difficult for your brain to grasp?

This shit looks gay as hell.

>What the fuck DO you want to read about?
I? I would like a military drama that reveals a true epic and the distance of battle.

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>gender politics, class boundaries, treating someone as a prize to be won

>separate themselves from their own emotions
Oh, so you want something physically impossible. Nice to know your standards can never be met. Retard.

>Please, it's a shonen with a superhero aesthetic.

Invincible didn't have an issue with similar themes, maybe because Robert Kirkaman actually has talented.

Because all the women that read it, read it because they love the hell out of gender politics, class boundaries, treating someone as a prize to be won. Cause I sure as shit know, men aren't ready Yoo

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Politics have always been a part of comics. To deny that is to deny reality. We're just in a world now where everyone has an opinion and easy access to shout that opinion. And it's bitching non-stop and characters that would've once been tossed to the trashcan like America Chavez can't because the internet is foreverish.

>Oh, so you want something that writers have been doing for centuries but I can't because i'm a low IQ retard incapable of introspective reasoning, critical thinking, Devil's Advocate, and basic writer's etiquette that's taught in writing school in the 1st year
Uhuh, I don't think a mental retard who lacks reading comprehension has the authority to define what's possible or what isn't, just like a retard who jumped on the bandwagon of believing Jussie Smollett, Covington, Amber Herd, and all other similar retarded cases doesn't have any credibility on opinionating on politics and social shit.
Every classical writer from the mid-20th century somehow manages to take a step back from their life struggles when they are writing and provide a 3rd party avatistic introspection of it to produce a great work, but you aren't user and of course since you aren't nobody else is.

>Politics have always been a part of comics.
Cite the words where the opposite was stated.

The real tragedy is while webtoons is definitely better in terms of business than traditional comics, their entire structure for incentivizing comics that are easily digestible through phones is pretty much a death knell for traditional comic composition/comics with aspirations to get published in print and not just be forced to operate in the webtoons ecosystem.

Adapt or die I guess, but I'm worried that there's going to be a lot of comics that won't make it because they don't fit into the fujo pandering mold of webtoons.

The movie "Dogma", a cult classic.
Anyone here watch it?
It's a movie about making fun of religion yet never does it make fun of the religious, it manages to strike a perfect balance and tread subtle lines.
Bad writers are still capable of subtle writing, ideologues are by definition mentally incapable of it. Bad writing by ideologues is proportionally as worse to ordinary bad writing as ordinary bad writing is compared to average writing.
Asking an SJW to write what they hate the most and then telling them to write around it as a job is impossible because their brains are stuck in a robotic low IQ and low EQ state, incapable of challenging themselves to be creative against their own beliefs and notions, a skill that's one of the most vital requirements in writing because when you are writing good antagonists you want to be able to write them as anything other than caricatures/sandbags, and to be able to write them intelligently you need to put yourself into their body and operate like them within the world you created because a good writer basically plays the game of making every character they write a protagonist and trying to roleplay that protagonist out in the most intelligent and best way possible in line with their character rules and laws and surroundings/situations/circumstances surrounding them.

Kengan Ashura / Omega are perfect examples of a writer going apolitical, in other words distancing themselves from their beliefs in order to hop from one type of pants to another to give authenticity and DEPTH to a diversity of characters in these manga, and the end result is masterful. Western SJW retards are simply incapable of this mindset. You need centrists and libertardians to achieve such a thing or a very emotionally restrained moderate swinging in either direction who is restrained by intentional purposeful design.

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>Every classical writer from the mid-20th century somehow manages to take a step back from their life struggles when they are writing and provide a 3rd party avatistic introspection of it to produce a great work
Sure, but only in your deluded mind where people's life experiences and opinions don't influence their creative work. You're straight up talking out of your ass if you think any classical author just removed their feelings from their brain like a flash drive. Fuck you.

Release in weekly chapters, and then release a volume physically. If you want to be an extra penny pincher leave out the final chapter, or insert additional bonus material for for the printed version. You want consumer investment. Month issues is just not working.

How is stating that someone distancing themselves from their struggle in order to apply wisdom and introspection to then re-apply the struggle in a meaningful and intelligent way into their work, qualify as the absolutist Strawman you are now arguing you braindead retard?
The saying "Don't write if you don't even know how to read." applies to your ass fully. Are you mentally retarded? Are you too stupid to grasp the meaning of
>If I wanted to read about someone inserting politics and their own life problems into comics, I at least want it to be someone with style and the ability to separate themselves from their own emotions and apply some wisdom and intelligence into it
Are you too stupid to grasp what is said here?