Yas Forums ylyl humour humor funny thread
Yas Forums ylyl humour humor funny thread
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Jesus christ
Smith will do, my co-worker
That's pretty funny
>time for your daily pussy flattening
>yes dear
Jago should not dibuja if you ask me
This. But I do masturbate to his drawings.
A shame.
>Finishing a swing off with a sitout facebuster
Hello, based department?
One out of ten strips is funny.
Else, he draws nice asses.
What's funny is thinking of the amount of unironic porn where characters are fucking Baymax there is.
I could really use some context on this shit
Ok, this is funny
Alcohol + Maybe if I impress this chick she will sleep with me and even if not, I can feel her up and pass it off as dancing.
Is this that weird Jamaican dance craze?
>humor thread
>op starts with the least humorous thing ive ever seen
I just want to see him drawing Arthur and Sophie fuck.
>when they tell you to "be yourself" at a party but the only moves you know are from wrestling
>so longey bowser!
I clicked this thread to save and trace OP's pic.
Ended up having a good laugh with the pic you posted. fucking kek
At least THIS one is actually funny.
If she has a sense of humor she'd laugh at 'give me a hand'.
This is funny, but I also think people get too scared of saying "give you a hand", and an armless person wouldnt give a shit. Its funny, it has ocurred to all of us. I know I would laugh.
Yeah, it's just an armless slip of the tongue.