There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who think this is a bad fight scene

There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who think this is a bad fight scene.

Attached: 1587689031897.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)


Too bad she's a dog now. What a waste of a character

would be better if there was actual character expression, and was faster paced

I feel like this is lifted straight from some anime

Trash animation (low temporal resolution and feels really slow) but good ideas and could be fun with a better execution.

What kind?

Magic fights are shit by definition.

>ripping off Full Metal Alchemist in 2020

The color script in this scene fucking sucks. Give me some dynamic lighting if you're going to have characters using so many glow powers.

While I think it's better than most something definitely feels off about it that I can't put my finger on. Maybe it's too stiff? Or it doesn't seem fast enough? I honestly can't describe it. It could be the designs themselves.

Is that it? Is this bait? All i see are a couple fireball throws and slow pillar noodle moving. The staff twirling is pointless and only trying for generic anime/martial arts flashy nonsense with no purpose. Ive seen better shit from newgrounds stick figure fights in1999 if this is the best you got from this show.

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This looks like it's moving at about 75% of the speed it should be

Why is everything SO SLOW?

It feels slow as fuck. Good idea, shit execution.

This may sound nitpicky but the continuity errors don't help when you're trying to make things look fluid and dynamic.

Is it just me or is the twirl in the beginning off? I don't think she finished it and she cuts to facing the other side mid twirl. Is it too fast or missing frames?

>Too bad she's a dog now.
that's not how it works. Offscreen she returned normal


It was a fast twirl. If you frame by frame it, one drawing you see the back of her head and the next drawing is immediately the front of her head. It definitely pops.

Reminds me of some naruto shit

It's mostly /sug/ fags being jelly Owl animators don't have to trace fagnime

Steven universe is shit but this is like a high 6 on a 10 scale. It's better than most current shit but we should be pushing for better.

>young magic girl lead
>wine aunt supporting character
>bratty popular girl rival
>bad witch antagonist

Where's the interesting, well-written male characters at?

Attached: sleeping.png (500x538, 525.92K)

Too fucking slow. The choreography is good but the pacing isn't.

Hanging out with the interesting, well-written female characters apparently.

>omg narutofast janai

I wish I could watch that show instead of Dyke House.

The shot with blue lady swiping at the owl tentacles bothers me. She's swiping and destroying owls from an angle that doesn't look like she should be reaching them. There's no sense of perspective. They aren't moving on a 3D plane, they're moving in 2D space where the Z-axis doesn't matter. They tried to cheat this by hiding the feet but it just looks awkward.

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>There are people on this board
I shudder at the mere thought of that.

So Ryoko and Ayeka are fighting over Tenchi again right?

Wouldn't finding out you've been spending all your time posting on a website filled with bots be worse?

I thought you were all spiders.