

Attached: Ruby.png (1066x1073, 894.63K)

this guy gets it

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I love when RWBY porn is on model.


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She is cute but everything I hear about this fucking serious is awful. From the animation, the recolored 2hu models, to the broken lore and story, to the poor characters, etc.

>this fucking serious

Everything you hear? How's about you actually try it instead of listening to the famously shit opinions of this place or whatever self-styled 'critic' crawled out of youtube today?

She's at pretty big idiot ngl

Ruby isn't the best character in her own show

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How's about you stop making baseless assumptions about random fucktards on the Internet, mongoloid? Why don't you thoroughly explain why this fucking trash is worth watching, then, instead of expecting others to waste their time with your beloved series? I swear to fuck, Yas Forums in this day and age is not worth listening to, and this thin-skinned faggotry is exactly why. Complete circlejerk. Shame shit in nigh every other show general. "Everything I hear" from better forums, from my friends, and simply by looking at some of the scenes. At the same time, complaints of RWBY fanboys.

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Generally speaking the show's animation got better as time went on, but I have a sneaking suspicion most people like it because they have no taste, and "muh waifu".
I'd give it a watch anyway if you haven't, but it's nothing great.

I see, thanks.

I want to fuck her so bad

Tell me, what make Ruby the Ruby we know?

Ruby a cute, but personally I prefer her sister

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Man Is it wrong I want both

I want both to fuck each other, while I watch.

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> Why don't you thoroughly explain why this fucking trash is worth watching
Because I enjoyed it.

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>RWBY girls are good for one thing only.
Playing video games with?

True, Roman is pretty great

Jaune is best boy.

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How RT gonna fuck her design further in V8 ??


People who merely "hear" things usually don't sound as assblasted as you are, you sure you're not larping user?
But if you're being genuine then the show is far from amazing. The show is mostly remarkable for being probably the most popular Western webtoon out there, and I wanna support this to see more serialised animated projects in web, but I think it only came to existance because a specific set of circumstances and we're not likely to see anything more like it. That other new animated show RT releases looks generic as fuck. RWBY does have an interesting techno fantasy setting and a lot of characters with fun personalities, as well as a kickass soundtrack and some good fight scenes. It's fine as a somewhat morally gray coming of age story. The problem is it's hilariously unfocused, they simply cannot seem to master a volume that has something major going on for every single character. Ruby didn't even feel like the protagonist of her own show since V2 and up until V6 because she barely had any focus, now she does but Weiss gets much less meaningful attention after V5. And since Blake and Yang have resolved their epic lesbian subplot at the end of V6, they're left directionless. It's always something like this, some characters, their respective storylines and their fun interactions get shafted to the background. And they keep adding new important characters for new storylines. V7 did try to have something going on for everyone but they screwed up as usual. It's like, they know how to construct a story but the mistakes they make are so amateurish. They have been getting better over time but at what feels like a snail's pace. M
Since V8 is rumored to be the longest one yet, MAYBE they will finally have the time for everyone.


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When V8 gonna aired ?

She's just female Seiya and the earlier you realize the less invested you get in the series

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Also if I were you I wouldn't listen to every single RWBYoutuber trying to make a channel out of covering one (1) show and making epic 5-hour rants complaining about how we aren't getting more lore (which I feel is a byproduct of people trying to squeeze every bit of content they canout of a single franchise and obsessing over details mentioned in passing as if they're important plot points) and how the characters are horrible human beings for doing something vaguely gray (which seems really bizzare to me because people are willing to ignore Ozpin and Ironwood sacrificing thousands of people but give RWBY shit for hijacking an airship)

Cannot wait to see Ruby obliterate and recreate a universe with her silver eyes

And reboot the franchise completely by giving it to japs studio

Ruby is cute and perfect and is for lots and lots of cuddling

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Miles Luna apparently things she is a prostitute.

>people only tell jokes when they actually believe the content of the joke

so why do people get mad as fuck when you say you like this show