Three Weeks until the finale She-Ra season!
Are you excited? Predictions what will happen?
Three Weeks until the finale She-Ra season!
Are you excited? Predictions what will happen?
Other urls found in this thread:
glimmer and catra stuck in a cell together episode
They going to fully confirm EntraptaxHordak, while they cuck CatraxAdora fags
a new theory being shared is that the Catra in Horde Prime's ship is actually Double Trouble because their transformation sfx was heard before talking to Prime and Glimmer actually planned to get captured.
it could just be sounds of rubble but it's still an interesting theory.
pls no
>show ends two years later with 5 seasons
Fucking hell
I want Catra to eat shit and die
I want to eat Catra's shit and die
I still can't get over how perfectly this fits
Mega über based if true
Did anyone finished uploading the graphi novel?
some user was storytiming it last month but never finished it. Does anyone have a MEGA to it?
I need Catra and Adora to kiss, realize that they don't feel anything for each other any more and then Catra kills herself.
kick Catra?
kick Catra down a flight of stairs
her eyebrows are cute
Why are people so mean?
The ending is the next Princess Prom hosted at Bright Moon, and Catra and Adora (who are married at this point) repeat their dance.
It's not that I don't like Catra, it's that she is REALLY Good at suffering.
>lesbian blacked
You have strips with Catra?
she needs her comeuppance for being a crazy traitorous selfish cunt
Hasn't she been through enough?
no, she needs to stop being a drama queen
Shit. It does
She cant be redeemed in a seson shell fie you know, we know it, we all know it
Okay, then what comeuppance would you be satisfied with?
Micah looks like a manlet in this shot
I can't wait to see Entrapta and cat abuse again! Literally the only reasons I have to watch this show
I too wish to see the Angry Alien Autist marry the Pretty Purple Peridot