TFW can't have patriotic heroes any more because it triggers SJWs

>TFW can't have patriotic heroes any more because it triggers SJWs

Attached: superman_holding_us_flag_postcard-r81fad4e44aea4bd8bf232124af3230a1_vgbaq_8byvr_540[1].jpg (540x540, 60.54K)

captain america

Captain America is popular as fuck, Superman just sucks

You don’t have to listen to them

You can be a patriot without fellating the flag like an NPC drone and defending whatever the government says.

They cast the most liberal sjw bastard they could have to play him in the movies. and then made him a Nazi in the comics.

Superman would not approve of Donald Trump. If you believe differently, you fundamentally misunderstand patriotism.

You can't even have Superman say he fights for the AMERICAN way anymore without him and the person writing him being called a fascist.

American way means imperialism and corporate feudalism these days, so yeah, people aren't fans of that.

>Superman just sucks

Attached: batman nod.gif (465x477, 257.81K)

>without fellating the flag like an NPC drone and defending whatever the government says.
Describe some patriotic acts that can be easily conveyed on the cover of a book.

Big words coming from the one who singlehandedly ruined DC by making WB turn Superman grimdark because you're so popular. . . Bruce.

Attached: fuck batman titans.jpg (489x254, 20.56K)

Patriotism is when you feel that your country has virtues that you cherish. But the virtues that the political tribes in this country cherish are very different. I'm not going to say who's right and who's wrong, but it seems like what it means to be a patriot is very different depending on one's political tribe.

I'd even go so far as to say that some people don't want to have many cherished values in common with those of another tribe.

>American way means imperialism and corporate feudalism these days

As opposed to the globalist way which screws over the American worker by importing cheap third world labor and turns a blind eye to child rape gangs to avoid being called intolerant.

>Written by liberals that hate America and use him as an excuse to bash america
>"Superman sucks"

No one brought up Trump

Fighting injustices wherever it lies, while helping people in need, even when they're fleeing from other countries and seeking refuge.

Globalism is corporatism, because the incentive is simply to maximize profits by outsourcing them to cheapest place possible.

Can you just...stop...whining? Please?

Can you stop being triggered?

embracing diversity

That's not patriotism that's philanthropy.

Actually it means the things that set us apart from the rest of the world.
Personal freedom.

>grew up in Kansas a blood red republican state
>went to church every sunday growing up
>Believes all life is sacred, which means he'd likely be pro-life in the abortion debate.
>Kicks illegal immigrants like Zod and Darkseid off the planet when they refuse to integrate with earth customs like Starfire and Manhunter, and instead demand earth conform to their culture.

Face it. If Superman was real. While he may not be a Trump supporter. He'd at the very least be somewhere on the Republican/right wing side of the current political divide.

Seethe more, mutt.

Did you pay your shitposting license before posting that?

Poor bait is poor.


Burning a flag


Wait! I didn’t mean it that way! Nooooooooooo-!

superman is also an illegal immigrant, and ends up being the embodiment of patriotism. lets just say he'd thankfully would also hate trump's guts.

Pretty much all americans agreed on freedom of speech until just a few years ago when suddenly liberals were brainwashed into thinking freespeech is evil. Even Obama championed it.

Believe it or not in the 80s and early 90s most immigrants from the Middle East voted Republican.

Exactly they don’t see superman as a character anymore they see him as a political tool to mouth their Political talking points.

The episode of Supergirl about Gun Control anyone?

different people, different times. we're talking about the current year boomer.

Oh yeah, poor Canada, fucking tyranny over there

No, he was adopted.

You can get your kids taken away for misgendering someone in Leaftown.

School shootings

They don't even have guns.