How do we fix the avengers?

How do we fix the avengers?

Removing aaron as first step, of course.

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Avengers was never good

>Removing aaron as first step, of course.
Step two: Undo Aaaron's fucking up of Jen and getting her back to her classic sensational self.

no plot device fags, magic/reality warpers like Strange, Scarlet, Thor, Silver Surfer and Sentry, those bastards are overpowered and can solve any problem instantly

>Remove Aaron
>Make Al Ewing the new writer
>Do NOT do another Avengers vs X-Men event. If there has to be an event, make it one where the Avengers stand with Krakoa against the world/US government even though they disagree with a lot of what Krakoa is doing
>Have a bigger rotating roster

release another Avengers: No book to complete the based trilogy

Aaron has been so bad I'd happily take Bendis back on Avengers.

What is even there left to do with the brand?
>oh no, X Costumed bad guy is attacking the Earth
>well, he's been stopped
How many retreads of the same, basic capestories are needed? You need to revitalize the concept or just retire it.

Other than shitty She-Hulk I like his run.

remove Jason Aaron, that'll fix like 99% of the problems
stop treating the Avengers like the Justice League, there should be 1 A-Lister, 2 B-Listers, 4 C- Listers and one D-Lister and One New character
anyone who has their own book/movie get them out of the Avengers, again like JL, the book doesn't matter because the solo books don't acknowledge it outside of crossovers.
Hawkeye Clint should be the leader of the Avengers

Jason Aaron must be the worst Marvel writer of the 21st century
bring Austen or Johns back

Spider-Man fans sacrificed themselves for a decade to keep Aaron's filth from touching the rest of the Marvel universe, he's already ruined the Avengers, Iron Man and Thor, I think I'd quit comics forever if he ever got on X-Men.

You were never good

>I think I'd quit comics forever if he ever got on X-Men.
But he was on X-Men.

I can't hear you
I take pills to make the bad memories go away
oh god the Hellfire Babies, Wolverine robbing a space casino, AVX, Schism

Still not as bad as Jean getting niggered by a genocidal murderer. Which also didn't happen and was just Nate's cuck fantasies. Yup, it's not even an AU, it's just Nate's cuck subconscious imagination.

Jean and Nate aren't together, she can't cuck him. IR doesn't equal Cuckold, you gotta level up your game bro.

Nate's kinda like her AU son. He fantasizes about niggers fucking his AU mom.
>IR isn't cucking
Imagine liking seeing niggers fuck your women in funnybooks.

>anyone who has their own book/movie get them out of the Avengers
what a retarded idea

Make a containment book for Tony and another for Carol more focus on wasp Wanda vision Simon hank Hercules in the main book throw in cap and black knight too maybe

Carol as leader

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Ewing. That's all.

>Avengers: No Jason Aaron

Carol is a warrior, not a leader.
A born jet fighter pilot, solitary, always looking ahead, not relying on others for advice. She can't spare the brain power to instruct other people.

Plus her power set makes her an ideal storm trooper.


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Shes a mouthpiece for all feminist/hurr-durr men bad/ANTIFA etc shills nowaday

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Gotta get that tourettes looked at.

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Get rid of Spic Rider and his car.

>Imagine liking seeing niggers fuck your women in funnybooks.
I can tell you get zero pussy, you just called an imaginary character your woman.

Nigga what?