Colonial Man

What's funny is I haven't found a single person who thinks this would be a bad idea for a comic. Chinese prince goes to the Magic Lands of the Occident to learn the secrets of the Far West. That sounds based.

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Since when is Iron Fist a colonizer ?

They already did that in the 70s, somehow it works

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Didn't Assassin's creed already do that but with Native Americans instead of [Non-specific]Asian dude?

When this cuck will finally be in asylum?
He's mentally ill

He's not the author is just retarded

NGL, that sounds awesome.




Isn't the heart of Iron Fist an attack against what red china has been doing to Tibet? So wouldn't a better allegory be an asian learning ancient jewish secrets or something?

this guy is just retarded
don't try to make sense out this stupidity

Luna would call this whitewashing because carradine was a white guy with a shaved head playing an asian guy.

Last of the Mohicans did it earlier and Asscreed is mostly based on the fact that most 'indians' had varying degrees of Scottish blood by the 1800s due to Europeans fleeing to join the tribes. Even today you'll hear about Oklahoma Cherokees that are 95.5% European.

The funny thing is if he pulled the stick up his ass he could actually gain a fanbase by just going full retard and making a Colonial Man comic, probably not a big hit but decent enough cult status to finally make him some actual money and headway into the industry.
Of course he's retarded and probably seethes daily about people unironically liking what was supposed to be a "take that white washers!" thing.

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It's also basically Japanese history. "We have mastered western colonialism! Time to figuratively and literally rape everyone else in Asia!"

i'd read it
hell, its a character that would have fit exactly in that dr.13 mini, and that shit was amazing

Look the guy just wants to seethe. What amazes me is that he thinks anyone gives enough of a shit about Filipinos to have prejudice against them in the first place.

I know I know, it's just frustrating to see someone bitch so much about a "lack of representation" while knowing that he gave up an opportunity to create that representation because it's more profitable to play the victim

So colonial man
Misty knight is an irish woman
colleen wang is a native american
luke cage is a mexican man of heavy spanish decent
it writes itself

>Nobody is going to pay to see a white protagonist
>Meanwhile in Japan

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He's obsessed about white cocks

what a cuck

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Eh it'd make more sense to do it in the Civil War. That's when you had Asians in the US, and they served in both the Union and the Confederacy
>American Civil War
>Two Chinese brothers, masters of deadly arts, separate in the New World and find fortune in their own ways
>Civil War calls
>The brothers fight
>One serves the Union
>The other serves the confederacy
>Bodies fly as both unleash their deadly martial prowess on the field
>Crazy wushu jumping around, catching cannonballs, and redirecting musket fire wreak havoc on the field as brothers use the war to settle old family grudge

So does this dude only make racebaiting comics or does he make normal stuff too? Is he just perpetually butthurt about being an asian mutt who lives in America?

Pinoys all seem to have some weird insecurities when it comes to their race, I guess being the most "literally who?" people of Asia along with Laos kinda puts you in full notice me senpai mode.

theres always an iron fist, thats their thing
clearly theres always a colonial man
you just wrote his Davos story

I think he made (or at least worked on) that one infamous comic where a dude kicks a bear in the nuts, it's fucking awful from what I hear.

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>ATLA is widely regarded as one of the best western cartoons ever made
>Not a single white person in the story
>DBZ is the most popular anime the world over
>Not a single white person in the main cast
Even in Superhero movies Black Panther and Aquaman are both non white and had billion dollar films. What's it going to take to get the chip off this faggots shoulder?

it was his brother that wrote Girls.

his brother was one of the writers the one in the OP is butthurt his brother is more successful than him

What if they cast a hapa like Brandon Lee or Mark Paul Gosseelar? One that could look “white”, but still asian.

I'm honestly really looking forward to his mental gymnastics when Shang Chi comes out and makes a billion dollars

is he low iq?

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>Konichiwa Dude
To this post and you'll be granted a docile and tight asian wife

Konichiwa, Dude!

>that stinger at the end of season 1 where Kenichi Smith rides into town
I am so fucking hype. Fuck corona for delaying production for a full SIX MONTHS, we're not even getting a SDCC preview now!

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>when Shang Chi comes out and makes a billion dollars
It won't. Even if theaters reopen (most of them won't) MCU's time in the sun is finished.

>Kenichi Smith
how can one man be so based

The hero we need but not the one we deserve.

Alternate title: Filipino draws his manufactured victim complex comic 4829