ITT: Moments that made you drop a show/comic

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somehow i doubt the authenticity of this post

I don't know, that's a pretty good reason to drop a show.
Replacing Shane is the other good reason.

To be fair society very much does that for men. Incels make problems of themselves as much as the stigma regarding male sexual inexperience presents that non-problem as something they need to obsess over in the first place.

If you think this is played straight at all you are probably too stupid to be watching kids cartoons.

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The very next line after this is her saying that she likes the game anyway because it's fun. The joke is that a 12 year old is saying big words and trying to sound smart. This would be like dropping Jimmy Neutron because he called salt "sodium chloride."

She always says feminist crap out loud and makes people unconfortable in the process, it's suppose to be a joke but still it is quite out pf place.

Still crying about that? What year do you think it is?

How do you drop a show for replacing a character that never existed in the actual show?

>Show's main message is "no, don't 'just be yourself,' you gotta fucking grow up some day"
>The preachy feminist character is treated like a joke
Is this show secretly redpilled?

>Watching Twelve Forever in the first place

That's like asking "How do you refund a game that you preordered".

I guess to people who take the portrayal of a behavior as an endorsement of that behavior.

it was never a secret

you do get the point of this thread right? They were literally asked to post examples and this is one of them

Heteronormativity is good for society. Yas Forumsmblr and Tumblr queer freaks just need to deal with it

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That original statement makes as much sense as dropping Rick and Morty because Marty McFly got replaced.

>he thinks this thread wasn't bait
sweet summer child

you didn't pay any money though. you didn't even invest time watching

Bunch of hacks broke their own pre-established lore just to have a dumb kaiju fight.

Considering the creator of this show's personal vices, I'm surprised a line like this would make it into the show.

The whole finale of this season-ending any hopes I had for LoK. At least Korra was still hot

Julia's got a nice ass

creator was booted off the show before production

People who use the term "heteronormative" as a pejorative aren't worth acknowledging.

she wasn't using it as a pejorative though

>visual downgrade
>insufferable characters
>a very forced way to do a second season
the first episode was enough to leave the Book 2 and I regret that until this day

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It's funny given she's super into boys.

Yas Forums will never live this shit down

She's a massive boy-slut though. And Todd is better than Shane.