I'm not very familiar with the series, but has Sonya always been such an unlikable cunt?

I'm not very familiar with the series, but has Sonya always been such an unlikable cunt?

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Pretty much, yeah. She used to have her tits flopping around everywhere though, so that kinda took the focus away from her personality.

Sonya is one of the rare examples of a divorce in fiction where the wife is blamed for neglecting the children and the husband is shown as a model parent.
That's how much of a bitch she is, it breaks gender barriers.

I stopped following MK lore a looong time ago, but I was aware she married Johnny and had a daughter with him.
You know? I actually can picture Johnny Cage being a model parent in my head.

Yes, it's amusing how much Ed Boon seems to like Johnny Cage. From using a convolotuded time travel plot to retcon his dead at the expense of pretty much everyone else, to make him a chosen one from an ancient race, to being a cool dad. Writing this makes me wonder if Boon tried to turn Cage into his self insert from MK9 onwards.



It's gotten worse lately. Granted I started Mortal Kombat around when Armageddon came out, but aside from being strict military lady she was never a total bitch.

I feel like Johnny's push is because he's the perfect normie character. He's rich, """relatable""", and he's the funny guy whose every other line is a joke. Which pisses me off because I just started thinking Liu Kang was really cool.

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They gave the spotlight back to Liu Kang after they turned him into literally God.

Rumor, but I had heard Ed Boon fucking HATED Liu Kang and the fact MK was stuck with him as the "hero". It's why they killed him in DA and then killed him AGAIN in 9. I mean, can you imagin Capcom ever killing off or shoving the spotlight away from Ryu?

Eh, Cage was more or less the basis for MK. Boon wanted to make a JCVD game, that fell through, so they made a Van Damme knockoff (Cage) and ran with that. In light of that, he can get an upgrade or two.

Its funny because Cage got shat on hard in the original timeline because his actor promoted a different fighting game
Also, Boon straight up forgot Cage had cult powers

>I mean, can you imagin Capcom ever killing off or shoving the spotlight away from Ryu?
AmeriCapcom tried, that's why the movie and tie-in cartoon were all about Guile and Chun-Li

I liked both Johnny and Liu Kang's storylines. But then I'm a sucker for a cocky fighter undergoing massive character development to turn into... a cocky fighter and a decent human being. And Liu Kang as the classic Chosen One storyline with the princess is always a fun time.

I mean let's be fair fellas, how can you hate a face like this?

Attached: Cage OK.gif (600x600, 2.95M)

Yes. Johnny is the fun loving asshole and their daughter prefers her father over her mother. It's a fun dysfunctional family that still loves each other. They have a good ending in MKX.

Japan Capcom also tried in SF3, MC spot was supposed to be passed to Alex


I think it was only in the last two games where she really came off as a huge bitch. She was always pretty serious, but not unpleasant.

They really fucked up there because Alex is a grappler, too hard to use for most people so you can't make memes out of his moves like the Dragon Punch and Hadoken

She used to have a catchphrase in the cartoons.


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>that kid who swore he knew the Sonya nude code for MK1.

That's because being a parent forced Johnny to grow up, and he's a pretty awesome dad. Sonya was married to her career, and thought her family would understand that protecting Earthrealm was for them.


Johnny is Ken, and Sonya is Guile.

How hard would the Elder Gods shit themselves if they saw what Star did?

Attached: YO LISTEN UP.jpg (400x400, 11.65K)

not this bad, in the live action movie she is hard ass but the scorpion movie she a huge cunt, kicks my man cage in the balls twice for really no reason other than he was being overly familiar, he saves her life and cant even thank him

When you really think about it, didn't Star do what Shao Khan failed at? Merging the realms? So probably oblivion.

It's upsetting. It's like they didn't know how to write someone as firm but fair.

Liu kang is still the chosen one johnny having an explanation for the superpowers he has always had dosent change that

Ryu is boring so yes i can

Plus he wasn't Japanese and wasn't 'cool' like Terry Bogard who can get away with being American and still carry a fighting game as the protagonist (but he still lost out to his franchise getting absorbed by KoF with a Japanese lead anyway).

I think she only merged Earth and Mewni. Shao Kahn merged several realms with Outworld.

At the cost of destruction of countless others. Perhaps she's closer to Daigon?

ryu is like the standard fighter thats why. hes the model that so many characters are based on, and as fighting games get more out there hes gonna look a bit basic

I feel you. Liu Kang was shat on for so long since Deadly Alliance. It was nice to see him finally get some respect again even if they had to turn him into a fire god. Funny how in a way Cage went from pure arrogance to decent if cocky guy in the new timeline, while Liu Kang went vice-versa in a sense.