Would this be considered transphobic today?
Would this be considered transphobic today?
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Yes, but it probably wouldn't stop them from doing the joke.
Yes but Simpsons now would do it because they are aware of that
I have the 2018 bluray release of this season and in this episode the groans are replaced with cheers.
Really? That's weird, the crowd reaction would still look disgusted.
prove it
I just pulled it up. they spliced in a cheering crowd shot from what looks like an earlier season. its pretty clean edit despite this.
im literally a retard when it comes to video ripping so if you could point me in the direction of a dumby friendly tutorial I would happily upload it. there was a video up on dailymotion of it but I cannot find it now.
It's a joke. I'm pretty sure. Got to be a joke.
I found this, I too am a retard about ripping from DVDs so hopefully it works: howtogeek.com
Trannies are only 0.6% of the population. They don't matter.
I have of the porn version of this season and in this episode the groans are replaced with pleasured moans and they spliced in a new animation of everyone in the crowd masturbating
What ep is this I can check Disney plus
Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo. S10E23
this is a season ten episode? weird thats the last dvd set I own of the simpsons (my bro owns up to 13 for some reason)
Hope someone can share a rip of the edited scene, I'm really curious about it now
Yes. It was transphobic then, too. You are much less of the population then that. You don't matter either, by your own definition.
Trannies are less than 1%, gays are less than 2%. Eventually people are going to get tired of bending over backwards to appease tiny minorities.
I just checked Disney +, they groan and even shows them lookijg disgusted.
Just checked they're still groaning like in the op guess they didn't give a shit.
Also call me a SJW if you want but I actually don't like this joke and thought the entire episode was shit besides one joke about Rashomon that made me laugh.
Nah, I'm not 0.6% that gets offended by everything.
letting people exist is not 'bending over backward' for anyone, the only kind of people which are really hard to tolerate are people like you.
>Having basic politeness and human decency is bending over backwards
It IS bending over backwards. Literally everything offends them. Enough is never enough for them.
You mean government and corporate censorship is decency? Thought policing the majority so 0.6% isn't easily offended all the time is okay?
It would be transphobic, cis sexist, heteronormative and eugenicist.
Wtf are you talking about?
You seething about this shit joke?
It's shit to you because you're offended by it. You're telling me it's okay to censor and thought police people just so a bunch of dirtbag trannies don't get offended. Fuck them.
>The point is you gotta squeeze every tranny.
It always makes me laugh when people who flip thier shit over other people living thier lives differently then they do act like everyone else is sensitive. Keep being fragile! It'll convince others that your way is the only way to live eventually.
Nelson calls someone a tranny in season 15 or something
That's cute. You should be saying this to the trannies who need incessant censorship and thought policing just to make them happy. They're so fragile they need government and corporate protection just to exist!
For the record, they're literally pushing their lifestyle on us these days. They insist on it.
>putting mayo on the toppings and not the bread
who does this?
No one here is advocating censorship. The op asked if the joke was transphobic. And it is.
You are the one throwing a tantrum over people not agreeing with you.
Yep just like that. Keep acting like the gay people are going to eat you or something. I'm sure that won't eventually lead to you hating everyone just to make yourself feel safe.
I don't care that you disagree with me. I do care when you advocate for trannies using their negligible status as an excuse to censor media.
And so it's "transphobic." So what? Simpsons laughs at everyone. If trannies want to be accepted as normal, then they need to just accept that satire can be directed at them too.
The fact that LGBT has a disproportionate amount of influence over our culture and entertainment these days is fucked up. I used to support LGBT, until they made it clear that they don't want equal treatment. No, they want special treatment. Fuck that and fuck them.