ITT: Top-Tier Yas Forums designs

ITT: Top-Tier Yas Forums designs

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Spider-Man has never really had a bad costume.

I love The Rocketeer. That is all.

Still the best dragon design of all time

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With some alterations I feel like Emma, Magik, and Namor's could be their main costumes.
He has but his ratio so uneven in his favor that it's easy to overlook.

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He was a styling son of a bitch.

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>With some alterations

Yes. Emma needs to show more skin

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Who wore it better?

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When hasn't he had a good costume?

You're behind the times, son.

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Gunn was a fool to not use the whole helmet.

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Ends of the Earth.
It looks more like some kind of Deadpool toy variant than Spider-man.
Parker Industries
If only because it's his classic costume but with pointless glowing bits here and there.
I'm sure there's a bunch I'm not remembering or even thinking about but like I said Spider-man's good to bad is godly.
More, it should figure out a way to be white, maybe figure out how to get some fur trim in there.

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grannyfuckers can go

i miss the arm stripes bros :,(

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It was era defining.

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what a bizarre use for an IP. Like actually why?

lola bunny.

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best joker design, voice, personality, everything

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Desperate attempt for a revival.
First they tried to make a sequel, then a reboot, then a comic that got cancelled weeks before the release, then it tried to be a series....this is what we got in the end