Could the DC/Marvel universes survive if you dropped every single SCP into them?

Could the DC/Marvel universes survive if you dropped every single SCP into them?

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If a world without superheroes can survive I'm sure a world with them can as well.

The SCP universe has superhero equivalents. Mostly in groups like Samsara or characters like Monica Pinkston, but they exist.

Pretty handedly actually. All high tier cosmic entities get utterly fucked by Marvel and *especially* DC cosmic. On earth it's a shitshow but there's more than enough superheroes to be able to contain them all, plus existing SCP-like organizations with similar levels of firepower and international resources.

The SCPverese thrives on the understanding that in their world there's no such thing as heroes, or even really protagonists. The only meaningful action to be done can only be done through bureaucratic morally bankrupt """science""" agencies in eternal shadow war. If things worked even slightly in the favor of individuals, or in the case of capeshit universes fucktons of individuals, a huge amount of anomolies wouldn't even be problems.

>All high tier cosmic entities get utterly fucked by Marvel and *especially* DC cosmic.
There are several of these that can instantly delete multiverses and beyond if containment isn't maintained, even for an instant. There are some of these that wouldn't care like 3812 or 3125.

They could mount a response if it were individual instances. Dropping every single SCP on the cape universes is a loss scenario.

They could but they obviously don't considering the SCP universe hasn't been destroyed but even if they did there are entities in both Marvel and DC that would survive complete multiversal destruction and could snap their fingers and put it back together.

>They could but they obviously don't considering the SCP universe hasn't been destroyed
It has. Countless times in fact. Universes and multiverses get consumed and remade all the time in the setting. And most of these entities admittedly aren't high tier. Even a simple toaster is a significant multiversal threat.

Things like 3812 and 3125 are kinda unnecessary given even something like the alarm clock could kill everything if not found fast enough.

Can you fags stop making these constant "what if X non-Yas Forums franchise was in the Marvel/DC universe" shit threads? Confinement is Yas Forums, just have a Confinement thread. Jesus.

There's multiversal shit in Marvel/DC too. There's *meta* shit in Marvel/DC though from what I can understand at this current point the Foundation has plenty of bullshit in that regard too. The biggest thing that tips them over imo is the specific presence of in-universe stand ins for the creator of the works themselves. In the SCP universe it's harder to play that kinda game when so many writers exist that writing into universe a mechanism by which the writers are conscripted into the workings of the broader SCP verse makes sense, but in the DC/Marvel verses they're playing by house rules.

Mind you at this point the entire convo gets into a dick measuring contest of WHOSE OMNIPOTENCE DICK IS BIGGER THAN WHOSE which is the least fucking fun conversation. The bigger question is whether, specifically, on earth the earthbound scps can be properly contained, and my answer to that remains- yeah, probably. For all its supernatural entities the SCP really doesn't compare to your average capeshit universe in terms of sheer concentration of absurdly powerful assholes (DC in particular). I'd imagine it'd 100% be a Crisis tier event, but "instant loss" feels wayyyy overblowing it. The important thing to get is that the second this starts while the active threats are going to be dealt with by the capes, you have all sorts of agencies like Shield running around with countless decades of experience with the supernatural to be able to contain I'd say the majority of Non-reality warping SCPs who all nearly instantly brush up against the cosmic entities and have their own bout with them.

The biggest problem is that there's over 5000+ SCP's from the main site alone and that number is increasing daily, not even counting tales or branching sites. Something like 319 alone would nigh-instantly make the universe uninhabitable if its containment were breached, basically being a naked singularity. Something like the self-replciating cakes only need to go unfound for round a month to become unmanageable, or 498 could end up destroying the entire universe in a little under 10 hours. Something like 2470 or the Dog are immediate threats to the universe/multiverse and would need everyone having immediate warning and preparations in place to stop them from ending everything in short order, or that time a universe-eating nanomachine demon god almost got summoned via fucking Fortnite of all things. And there's a fuckton of others that I'm either forgetting or I simply haven't mentioned.

I'm full in agreement that there's a ton of SCP's that Marvel and DC can handle, pretty easily too. But for all of the simple to handle ones, there's a ton that are just immediate game overs if not immediately caught. And they're all getting dropped on them at once.

Mister Mxyzptlk snaps his fingers and fixes everything the SCP's did what now?

682 Mary sue's his way through the entire verse

He'd only really be a Mary Sue if he had everyone liking him without fail, which he doesn't. 079 is his only friend.

Confinement hasn't had a real episode for months at this point. Bung's ass remains broken.

Then why have this thread in the first place?

Considering one of the SCPs is a literal universe that kills EVERYTHING, no.

Like most everything else nowadays, boredom.

Gets eaten by Moosphere, probably.

Ok then he undoes that.

If Moosphere spreads to infect all imagination with its bullshit milk products and turns everyone into cattle, there's not much Mxy could do at that point. And that's not even the only thing that could do that here.

As is, I'm pretty sure Fifthism fucks the 5D Imps something fierce.

There are reality warpers in Marvel and DC that can and have survived their own destruction and just remade themselves, getting turned into a cow wouldn't last.

>implying Mister Mxyzptlk couldn't want to toy around with them first

It wouldn't turn him into a cow (at least, I don't THINK it would). It would simply poison the well of human imagination and conception, so that there's nothing but what Moosphere provides. It's a fairly slow process admittedly, so it wouldn't overwhelm the Fifth Dimension very quickly, but it would make fucking with them increasingly difficult the further they entrench themselves.

Fifthist bullshit would just obliterate all conception in the omniverse to make way for itself, though.

Could they stop an evil Color Kid?

Yeah but it only kills you if actively decide to go there

Yeah man. That tranny alien could totally pwn everyone

Didn't the SCP threw every single anomaly in the word once and still got defeated by the United Nations and the Cultists?

Closest article I know of is the 5000 one, and that definitely wasn't every anomaly. Not to mention that the Foundation was winning in that world, even after it had crippled itself.

doom patrol and section 8 team up to beat them

A small list of SCP's that fuck quite literally everyone for convenience's sake:
>2935- Death Tunnel
>871- Replicating Cakes
>2470- Void Singularity
>1739- Universe-Eating 'Dog'
>173, full Koitern Mode
>3396- Empyrean Parasite, ascends everyone into cosmic universe ending gods
>the Anafabula
>Pattern Screamers
>3125- Fifthist God
>Abel with the Thorn
>239- Witch Child
>He-Who-Made-Dark and He-Who-Made-Light
>When Day Breaks

There's definitely more, but this seems good enough for now.


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