Just a reminder that Hercules was 17 for a majority of the film. Was Meg just waiting until he was legal?

Just a reminder that Hercules was 17 for a majority of the film. Was Meg just waiting until he was legal?

Attached: megherc-1020x685.jpg (1020x685, 55.65K)

>was 17
How long do you think people lived back then?

If they made it passed childhood?
reasonably long

Yeah, this a big topic. But if you survived childbirth back then, your chances for middle age were good.
But there was ZERO concept of age of consent. If you could be pinned down, you were giving it up.

17 is legal in most places, even today.

If is good.

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He's an old man in ancient Greek years. He probably couldn't even turn on half the men in his town by that age.

If you survived childhood chances are you’d be able to make it past at least 40. The average life expectancy was about 35 but it was dragged down a lot by the enormous childhood mortality rate. Leonidas lived to be 60.

Yeah I always believed that Meg was 21. She was raising her husband.

How you figure that 17 number?

The film said 18 years between when Hercules was taken and when he meets Zeus again. So him being 18 or 19 sounds correct. Idk where OP got 17 from.

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Was pretty eye opening for me to play KH2 when I was a horny little teenager and Meg looked like this.

reminder that hera makes herc go crazy and kill his family


She's gotta be older than that.
She had a whole history with a previous boyfriend who had to die, come back to life, and then lose interest in her. And after that she worked for Hades recruiting monsters for a while.
I say 26 or up.

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>Was Meg just waiting until he was legal?
17 is legal were I live.

Ancient Greece did not have a minimum age. That's an extremely recent invention (by crusty old hags who are afraid of the fact that men always prefer younger partners)

He's Greek god so age is not matter to him

It feels so good when you start out...

The oracles said Hercules would become a threat to Hades's plan in 18 years, this was right after he was born.

God, i wish that was me

(laugh) yes

Roughly 40-60 years depending on the region and the caste.

no because he was already legal, not every movie takes place in burgerland

KH Meg always seemed like Herc was about to die. I felt sorry for her.

Surprised they actually gave her cleavage and not just monoboob.

You know life expectancy doesn't equal life span and that 40 years being the average life expectancy in ancient times is due to high mortality rates in infants, don't you? Living to your sixties was normal.

implying there were any laws in place to stop her

If you were poor about 40-60 was common, richer Greeks actually had comparable life expediencies to modern populations. Plato for example lived to be 80.