ITT: Post cute Yas Forums characters
ITT: Post cute Yas Forums characters
and funny?
no funny isnt allowed
God, what I'll do her
Don’t you fucking dare.
Is that character supposed to be a lost camper?
Very cute indeed!
Well Charlene's from the unfunniest show I've ever come across, if that counts.
She's from Camp Weedonwantcha, a place parents dump kids they don't want
get in line, mac.
Story wise, if someone were to make a believable relationship between a young boy and a woman, how would it start out?
Asking for uh.... research.
Have them be aunt and nephew?
Nah that's just too easy.
its almost a cop out these days to write an incest story just to make up for the age difference
Finally, my kind of thread
read moribito.
we talkin' comic? or novel here?
Hmm, then maybe woman who works as a spy and gets found out by the young boy by pure accident.
I didn't care for that movie. Why did they add Wybie? the reasons for it make no sense. never read the book.
Probably a master/apprentice relationship
This is probably my favourite set up, but it kinda ruins things for me that it means the lady is more dominant over the boy.
So she wouldn't be talking to herself for like half the movie.
Wybie wasn't in the book.
I didn't like Wybie either, but Coraline is still a cute