Between Ant-man (Hank Pym) and Batman (Bruce Wayne), who is a bigger existential threat to their planet?
Between Ant-man (Hank Pym) and Batman (Bruce Wayne), who is a bigger existential threat to their planet?
Batman for not at least lobotomizing The Joker.
Hank Pym, because Batman is not a wife beater.
Tony Stark
naw, he just thows his kids to the slaughter and got one killed
Instead, Batman recruits and groom orphan children into his service and have them assist him in his crusade.
>thows his kids to the slaughter
They got better. Still, beign a wife beater is much, much worse.
Hank can always be counted on to have his ego get the better or him and Ultron.
Batman fucking has plans to take out the heroes before he has plans to take out the villains. It's probably 7:1 ratio.
And made to be enacted even if he isn't around.
But he is a child rapist.
When Hank was emotional unstable and and vulnerable, and Janet took advantage of him.
Bruce have no excuse. Dick was raped. Jason was killed. Tim was raped. Damian was killed. Barbara was crippled and possibly raped. Stephanie was raped. Cassandra was mindraped. All happened while under Bruce's care.
Remember when he hit Damian in King’s shit?
Even Hank Pym can't forgive himself for beign a wife-beater. He literally is the worst.
He hit her once during a nervous breakdown. She gets punched in the face by supervillains all the time.
Batman beats kids
because hes a sympathetic person. janet brought the slap onto herself. jason got crowbar'd
Didn't Joker kill his mother in front of him, too?
Thank God they weren't married other wise this would be bad.
Jason Todd got emotionally scarred and he became a rage filled murderer, Janet had routine sex with high profile heroes. But Hank Pym did do a worse thing because Batman did it by accident and Hank was malicious
Tony Stark
Bats also has an institutional history of having his anti-capes plans leak to the bad guys. This has bitten the JLA in the ass TWICE and caused the world to get conquered.
actually, Hank only has a massive ego when he's going through a manic phase, and those only last so long. He's really fucking hard on himself and will probably just fuck himself over during his depressive state.
depression sucks
Bruce is the worst
Hank is the biggest. Bruce is the worst.
Two killed. Unless you're not counting Jason.
that man needed help that never got. its a damn shame that hes seen as the monster rather than the victim
>those terrible Eye puns
50% of the world’s population trembles before Hank Pym.
ya, he's had it rough, but even when he was down a few authors were able to pull out good character stories for him before some ass hole ignores it and knocks him down again
I love how Brother Eye refers to itself as Eye instead of I