
How come the Avengers never fight against Mutant bigotry?

I mean, the government allows giant robots to just destroy property just to capture/destroy minorities?

And Captain America and Iron Man are just okay with that? How come the Avengers don’t fight the Government and the people that make these death machines?

If Doc Ock or Modok attacked NY with Giant Robots they would do everything in their power to stop them. Why are sentinels so different?

And how come the Avengers never try and help the image of mutants and stop prejudice against them?

Explain this?

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Attached: Uncanny X-Men 445-09 (2019_12_13 23_05_57 UTC).jpg (1200x1815, 395.82K)

user, two Avengers, Captain Marvel & Wolverine, liberated Genosha

Attached: Uncanny X-Men 445-10.jpg (1200x1817, 427.02K)

And what about all the other times they didn’t help? That still doesn’t explain why they don’t stand up against the government and stop sentinels and racism forever.

Not to mention the times that the Avengers have tried to conquer and destroy the X-Men. Like when they tried to stop the X-Men from using the Phoenix force to fix Mutant kind. And they stood by and let Inhuman genocide Mutants for the lols.

>And what about all the other times they didn’t help?
Knew this was coming, not sure why that user even wasted time posting pages.
There's always a new cross to bear with X-fags, it's all the series has.

Sentinels are outlawed already and racism is not a problem you can punch, user.

>The Avengers helped one time! That means the Avengers are perfect and the minorities being constantly killed and hunted should be grateful!
Thanks, Captain America.

>and racism is not a problem you can punch, user.
Punching Nazis seems to work.

You mean when they stopped the Phoenix from killing everyone on Earth
And then the X-Men autistically flipping out about terrigen instead of just telling the Inhumans what was going on

The Phoenix isn’t dangerous. It has been used for years without harm.

And the Inhuman already knew the Mists killed mutants. They even murdered “Cyclops” because he stopped the cloud from killing Mutants and was considered Mutant Hitler because the Inhumans influenced the media.

Heck, you think the Avengers would have stepped in to stop a race war. Especially one where one race is gassing another race to death. Bravo, Avengers.

>The Phoenix isn’t dangerous

Attached: dbari.jpg (720x315, 111.25K)

>Punching Nazis
These days everyone can be labeled as one if they say something that doesn't fit the mainstream or the SJWs. The word Nazi stopped to mean anything these days. Especially in places where people never suffered WWII.

No you dumbass they literally mean nazis
People who wear swastikas or SS insignia

What are they supposed to do, coddle the X-Men and solve all their problems for them? Not like the X-Men help the Avengers with all their problems either.

>How come the Avengers never fight against Mutant bigotry?
But they do. Not as much as mutants because it's fucking Avengers not X-Men

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How many are there these days? A handful that's what. Neonazis are a joke BTW.

What about the unity Squad?

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>Buddy, if you can’t tell the good guys from the bad guys, then YOU’RE one of the BAD guys!

>What are they supposed to do, actually act like superheroes?!!!!

Peter is the main non-mutant who speaks up for mutant rights.

The X-Men just don’t call him up enough.

The X-Men have saved the world more times than anyone else and yet still don’t get thanked. If it wasn’t for the X-Men, the Avengers would be dead.

>Why don't they spend all their time protecting 0.00001% of the population, most of whom have superpowers?!
>t. mutie mcgenefilth

this is kinda why the X-Men work better in their own universe.

especially considering how huge and expansive it is, it can survive as its own continuity.

curious to see how the MCU handle it.

>Not as much as mutants
Then they aren’t really heroes then are they?

>Peter is the main non-mutant who speaks up for mutant rights

Attached: captain 'committed treason to protect mutants' marvel.png (329x347, 255.13K)

Fist off Emma Frost psychically power raping people is significantly responsible for how people behave.2 The Cyclops that got killed was a mental fake designed to be murdered I think people are being mind-controlled to kill him. And then let's not forget inhuman hunting Sentinels. 4. No Inhuman was deliberately kill any mutant.

>That still doesn’t explain why they don’t stand up against the government and stop sentinels and racism forever.
How old are you?

Except for when one of them goes on a major killing spree. Also Islamic terrorism can be traced back to the Nazis.And many hate crimes they loved to committed.

>A handful
I wish.

>No Inhuman was deliberately kill any mutant.
They allowed the Mist to go on killing Mutants despite knowing its danger.

And the Avengers have never saved the world multiple times either?

How come the X-Men never fight against Ultron and Kang?

Genocidal robot and Conqueror from future surely fuck not only humans but mutants too

Explain this?

You can’t .. you’re just making his point stronger

Mutants can easily leave cloud area for 2 hours and come back.

>forcing minorities out of their homes because a space monarchy that owns slaves said so

Reed Richards exists. Problem solved. He's dealing with most of humanity's problems so the X-Men deal with Mutankind.

Besides, the X-Men deal with more threatening robots (Master Mold) and more devastating threats from the future (Apocalypse).

They don't have time for C-Listers.

there should be an x-force/x-factor book where the x-men have a dedicated superheroing team dedicated to just fighting baddies instead of mutant stuff

no unity squad just xavier's gang dunking on count nefaria and annihilus

>They allowed the Mist to go on killing Mutants despite knowing its danger.
1. The main reason they did that was because of a mandate by Marvel not their natural behaviours.2 Omega Level mutant psychically power raping people into making a race war.Look at Uncanny Inhumans Vol. 4: IvX one Inhuman(Who's that crazy genius) designs a machine to crystallize the mist and none of the other in Inhuman have any problem about it(and one of them was an Old bad dude) it only didn't happen because the inventa was a crazy nut job who decided to make a giant fighting robot the group was not happy about it.

>t. brainwashed by mutant propaganda user

>>forcing minorities out of their homes because a space monarchy that owns slaves said so
One having to leave the house because of danger for a few hours is not what people mean by forcing people out of their homes. Second they have been using slaves in years at this point.Also the slave are not exactly what you called human level intelligence. And now the Inhuman are not even a monarchy anymore.