What a cute baby!
What a cute baby!
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Showing infant versions of villains is always cool
Ew it looks asian
it IS asian
Would you go back in time and kill baby Ozai?
Fire Nation are Japanese mixed with Thai or Vietnamese architecture
You can easily see it during the original concepts of how Fire Nation should look like, discarding the rest of the obvious stuff: youtu.be
No. Because Ozai is a fictional character.
Baby Stalin on the other hand...
You can tell this one had no mercy in him.
It's always the eyes. You can see darkness in them.
Ironic given his adult self actually looks warm and friendly.
It would have been cool if they had showed how Ozai turned into a genocide manica.
what a delicious adult man!
lol i know right. gross.
Baby Ozai is hardly an issue, best case is Iroh becomes Firelord but only of Azulon never has another heir and theres no telling if he'd develop the same way without his brother in the first place.
>Ozai being an attractive hunk
>Ursa being a gorgeous woman in every aspect
It's no wonder Zuko and Azula are regarded as beautiful by everyone. But that's Fire Nation royal family eugenics for you.
thats why they should've kept it in the family.
Ay Papi
Man, I wish that mod was more functional
I’ve put months into the Game of Thrones one but the Avatar one doesn’t have enough content for a proper campaign
Why Stalin? Why not the one who inspired him?
Even the current version? Haven't they reached LoK events by now in the bookmark? I can imagine that at least the ATLA timeline is as fleshed out as it can be.
He looks like the kind of kid who'd sneak into your backpack and steal your rare Pokemon cards.
>Fire Nation are Japanese mixed with Thai or Vietnamese architecture
Maybe during the pilot. After the show was picked up they became full on chinese just like the Earth Kingdom. The differences in aesthetics, apart from the green and red, is that their designs are based on different dynasties/periods.
Ready to fuck you up since he was 8
Maybe, in fairness, I haven’t played it in a long time.
The ATLA campaign didn’t really work for me when I played it. The appeal of jumping into a scenario on the GoT mod is that you can pick a character or a house and feel like you’re taking their place in the world, but that doesn’t suit ATLA as much. Like for Zuko, as example, you’d have to console command kill Ozai so that Zuko inherits a title becomes playable, which sort of defeats the whole point, or you’d have to kill Hakoda and Sokka to play as Katara etc.
It’s also buggy as hell I console killed Hakoda so I could play as Sokka, married Suki and she immediately died of food poisoning. I was kinda pissed off at that so I married Katara because at least she might give me a waterbender, she ended up she was still popping out kids into her 70s when Sokka died, then I was playing as their kid and she just wouldn’t die, I’m pretty sure she was immortal
It’s more fun to set up a game on observe mode and just watch what stupid shit the computer does with the characters.
There’s a lot of China in there but it’s not the only source, there’s plenty of Thai in the Fire Nation
when ozai sent zuko and azula to the beach because he wanted to meet with his advisors alone, he was arranging their marriage. zuko just ran away too soon.
The Fire Nation is pure Chinese, just like the Earth Kingdom. I thought they'd go for Japan but I guess that's a little too on the nose.
This whole time Kyoshi Island was the Japanese analogue, I never picked up on that
They don’t say it in canon but the comics reveal that Azulon had Ozai wed to Ursa because he wanted to merge Roku’s line with the Fire Lord’s.
But Iroh and Lu Ten were still alive at the time, which means that Roku’s blood would only go into Ozai’s secondary line.
Which sort of implies that Azulon was planning to have Azula wed to Lu Ten once she was old enough.
Stalin wasn't really inspired by anyone. From day one, Stalin was always out for himself. As I understand it, Lenin's ideal replacement died of illness. Then Lenin died from metal poisoning. Then Lenin's second choice, Trotsky, ended up on the operating table right as Stalin stepped in to replace Lenin. He was an opportunist.
Not even remotely out of character