Would a female Batman work?

Would a female Batman work?
What changes?

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She would be a fundamentally different character.
If you were born a different race or the other sex, there would be so many divergences that you would be unrecognizable. The same goes for fictional characters that are racebent or genderbent. A genderbent Batman simply wouldn’t be Batman.

She can't rape the Joker.

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Pegging exists you boomer.

Fine ok, she would be Batwoman then whatever.

Female Superman would be superior in every sense

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user is right . Sure a good character isn't purely defined by sex or race, but both are factors when in comes to characterization and ultimately leads them down different paths. The questions you have to ask;
>Is Bryce Wayne a party girl like how Bruce pretends to be a party boy bachelor?
>How does Damian Wayne work in this context?
>Assuming all of Batman's villains stay the same gender, do any of them treat Batwoman differently given her sex?

It would fundamentally change the nature of how The Bat operates. Since she wouldn't be a 6'5" 250 pound power lifter martial artist with 5% body fat. Also Bryce Wayne would have to be changed to cover her bat actions.

Whats your fucking problem gordon?!

>party girl
Yes, it's cute
She got fucked by Ra's and gave birth to Damian.
>treat different
Joker treats her identically to standard canon at least.

>She got fucked by Ra's and gave birth to Damian.
But that's what I mean, EVERYTHING changes.
>Is Bryce out of commission for 9 months?
>The reveal of Damian is no longer a surprise, and his upbringing is immediately different not being trained by Talia or The League
>Ras wanted a male heir, so now Bryce never becomes and option but rather a means to get what he wants
>Relationship with Talia is completely different

Look user I dont know how much about women but rape isnt a thing you just look over

sure why not, its a cartoon it can be anything

*How much you know about woman

It doesn't work, or even have the same appeal.

Batman is "peak" human; mind and body. Is this as easy to sell with a woman?

Batman fights crimes from the shadows as vigilante and has an inherent distrust of the authorities and system at being efficient, hence why he must exist from the shadows. Any females that do the same always feel like they're just following Batman's lead because women are followers like any Batgirl.

If the Justice League goes bonkers, Batman is there to oppose them. Do you count on Wonder Woman taking Batman's side, or will she follow along with her buddies because might is right? If you can't count on Wonder Woman, the champion of women, then might as well not count on the rest of the females to act like Batman and go against everyone.

>Batman fights crimes from the shadows as vigilante and has an inherent distrust of the authorities and system at being efficient, hence why he must exist from the shadows. Any females that do the same always feel like they're just following Batman's lead because women are followers like any Batgirl.
user OP's scenario states that Bruce Wayne never existed and Bryce Wayne went through the same thing, or rather "what if Bruce was born a woman?"

You'd have to shakeup more than just gender swapping. Thankfully Marvel gave us a picture perfect example on how catastrophically bad it can be if handled incorrectly. A few things come from their mistakes. She'd be at a disadvantage in some areas (she's probably going to have to be 5'7-5'10 at the max, once she goes into giraffe territory if might be bad), but you could compensate by changing up her fighting style to be acrobatic, and flashy.

It also depends on how much vulnerability you want to put on the character, some people are very rabid against watching a man beat up a woman. Batman wins most of his fights, but the one's he loses aren't pretty.

It can be done, just hasn't been done well enough.

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Batman is all fucking plot magic, and you should know this. There is relatively little, if any consistency of what he is and isn't capable off, even if he had two penises, he shouldn't be able to fight superman by the very logic of the universe that he's.

Cassandra Cain already exist

If Bruce was a female her identity would be more of a Hassel to keep secret as she would always be in danger of getting raped by Al-Salim

My point is that it's just not as easy to really sell the idea. Women are viewed more as herd animals that would sooner uphold the status quo, whereas Batman exhibits things men are more known for like paranoia and skepticism of higher authority. Somebody has to start the whole movement and a man doing it is more palatable, especially since Batman has no powers, so he's going even more out of his way than his metahuman peers.


This topic is always just an excuse to post Superman Batman porn but instead of male Bats with a butt baby it's female Bats with a regular baby

Being made to penetrate against your will is rape.

That is interesting, assuming her core character is the same, Joker would be one of the few people who essentially treats a Batwoman the same way.

It exists and it's called Mother Panic.
You casualcomiclets

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>surprise reveal of already existing child
>equivalent to carrying the product of rape in your own body for 9 months
user confirmed for understanding the female psyche

Would the Robins all still be boys?

Why wouldn't they you casual?
Literally read a comic.
There are female Robins.

She can't be a party girl, that makes sense for a man, not the female CEO of a board of directors. Remember, Batman's not a real playboy, he just pretends he is, a Brittney Wayne would likewise play along as needed.

What makes the most sense is if she uses her civilian position more to affect change in the city, she's a little weaker as batwoman, and being a female CEO gives her less slack from the board of directors, she HAS to dedicate more time to her secret identity.

I imagine she would have dated Harvey Dent.

>Batman is "peak" human; mind and body. Is this as easy to sell with a woman?
Kate has fought half of Batman's archenemies in melee combat, and I've never seen anyone complain about that portrayal.

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Stephanie doesn't count anymore, other female Robins are AUs.

The hard to sell thing is
>humiliating and compromising losses, where the beaten up character just wants to defeat the villain to protects innocents and not seek personal comeuppance
for a woman hero

Would she keep tampons or a menstrual cup?

user are you from 2015?
Females love that now

Nobody cares about Batwoman to begin with.