Hey guys look its Miko from Glitch Techs. Say something nice about her

Panty and Scanty are best girls - Stocking and Kneesocks are for gay shitters without taste

you CANNOT change how I think

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Anime with good dubs are indistinguishable from Western animation. Also that bitch is fucking Twilight

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Dude same.

soundtrack during this scene, probably my favorite in the show

What would happen if Panty and Stocking joined Glitch Techs?

>you CANNOT change how I think
Why would I want to when you're objectively correct?

>you CANNOT change how I think
You'll be wrong the rest of your life then.

It came many years before that the donkey show.

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What's wrong with sluts? As long as they don't deny it(which these two clearly do not) there is nothing wrong with wanting to fuck all the time. Heck, she is even willing to go for the nerd dick, if he can show some backbone himself.(even before he turned out to be rich and handsome)

>It came many years before that the donkey show.
>The series premiered on October 10, 2010
Panty & Stocking:
>The series ran from October 1 to December 24, 2010

Well it wasn't years but it still was released before the Rainbow Donkeys.