guys, skip the first 4 episodes, i just watched the fifth one and the gap in quality is massive
if you want to give this show 1 single chance watch the fith episode, its fucking great
Guys, skip the first 4 episodes, i just watched the fifth one and the gap in quality is massive
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I liked the discussion about drug in the first episode, though.
OP, everybody agrees that the episodes where the dialogue matches the visuals more are the best episodes.
But that doesn't excuse that 5.5 episodes out of 8 are swallowed up by goop
>are swallowed up by goop
That's not really goop talk, though. None of it is pretending to replace real medicine.
It's not really goop at all. I don't think any of the first episodes really try to convince anyone of anything, it's just talking about religion, death, drugs, etc. Typical stuff but I think it's all in good fun. You can take it as pretentious bullshit or think it's super deep but people being overtly seriously critical of it would be boring to talk too. Part of being an interviewer / journalist is just basic sociology, learning about why and how different people think and perceive the world. What's wrong with that?
>skipping episode 3
The ideas expressed are never elaborated on or challenged. Half of what's said is completely incoherent. If they actually properly explored the subjects instead of Duncan going YEAH TOTALLY I REMEMBER THIS TIME I WAS ON DRUGS to every huge assertion being made without evidence or explanation
Also his guests in general were idiots and awful people. Fucking Dr Drew and Damian Echols are in the first three episodes
I gave up when the fishman in episode 3 went 'when I was in prison I studied the magics'. Do people really find this kind of dialogue interesting or thought provoking? It doesnt help that the main character/host just comes across as the biggest mouthbreather ever with classic lines as 'lmao yeah dude remember when I almost OD'd on benzos en alcohol' in the first 10 minutes of the show.
>skipping episode 4
episode 5 is about a soul bird speaking about all things being connected while an immate dies over and over trying to scape in jail being rebirthed as the way he dies, a coways, a warrior, a scammer, etc
its genuinely amazing
>Do people really find this kind of dialogue interesting or thought provoking?
It wasn't meant to be thought provoking.
that image is gross. is gwenyth supposed to be dressed like cum? why are women so vulgar
This shit being an animated podcast didnt really sink in untill ep2 where the moose monster suddenly started mentioning jesus. At first I thought they were going for the 'haha animals have brain cancer and family issues as well' joke. But this shit is just literally rando's talking with low framerate acid trips in the background. The fuck
this but unironically
episode 4 was actually really fun
what's gross about a vagina being made of flowers?
animation its not a medium made exclusively for story telling
it can be a lot of things, I for one am glad they are testing new things like this on more mainstream services
Did anyone else notice that in episode 8 the mother aged through her teen years while resting her head in her son's lap?
nobody makes gigantic dicks out of flowers unless they're making a joke. this is just women being disgusting and forcing the public to stare at their genitals but because its "female art" you can't criticize.
But you'll ruin the ending if you don't watch all if them
its suppossed to grab your attention not make a statement, like all art made in the last 200 years
I think that's the point. What can you say to a magic man really? Sometimes the rattling of an awesome weirdo can be fun if you let it be. Once again, people taking it way too seriously. If you're not a fan of druggie / stoner shit then it probably isn't for you.
its completely disconnected from the ending
you know, there are fantasy podcasts were the people talking pretend to be something else, its half podcast, half roleplay and half acting and you are welcome to borrow from your own life
why couldnt they do that for this show?
did you miss the fact that the guy pen was collabing with for this show is a podcaster
I'll agree with you about the podcast style. I wasn't expecting it and would of preferred it to be it's own kind of show. Certain parts of the first few episodes kind of played with what you're saying, but then they'd go back to talking. Which I tuned out because I was more interested in the visuals. I like Duncan and listening to his stuff, but I'd rather listen then watch so I can do something else. I feel you.
No one knows who the fuck Duncan Trussel is.
So it's Goop
This show doesn't try to sell you a jade egg for $3k that you're supposed to shove up your vagina, stop saying shit like this
That's alright because it is supposed to be a podcast
That's what is so great about episode five, the character getting an interview had a reason to not give a shit about what's going on but still was a part of the story and he stops to comment on it from the role of someone who has already been there and see that like someone talking to a horror movie and at the end he was talking about what the other character was going through and his role in his life, it has closure.
I think they wanted the first four episodes to establish the world and characters and give you some sense in security only to break it later and have the characters consumed by their own stories
>This show doesn't try to sell you a jade egg for $3k that you're supposed to shove up your vagina
That's true, but it is definitely a cunt hair away from suggesting that.
goop is made by a alternative store and is trying to sell you their products
at most midnight gospel is trying to sell you on meditation
And magical thinking, which is the content-thought disorder that goop exploits to make money.
ur so smart user