Wait, who decided to bring back these dudes?

Wait, who decided to bring back these dudes?

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Gee, if only they put their names on it. Guess we'll never know.

I mean, it's not like both DC and Marvel have been extremely stale with their character roster of late because their movies have cemented which characters get in use and thus making everything so boring.

So that's NOT Nico Minoru.

Christ have the Livewires shown up in ANYTHING past their initial 2005 miniseries?

Her name is literally Gothic Lolita

She's an LMD

pls gib Gothic Lolita

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Didn’t Adam Warren put Gothic Lolita in a Deadpool backup story a few years ago?

Yeah, Gothic Lolita is cute and all, but I think it's plain to see that Stem Cell is best girl.

>Teased original Fury coming back when it was obviously an LMD
>Still get disappointed when they reveal he was an LMD

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Zub is friends with Adam Warren

Adam Warren still does mainstream comics instead of spending three days on an Empowered page because he was too busy jerking off?

yes, he did Venom the End

>Agents of Wakanda
Is there an Agents of America? An Agents of Latveria? Is Atlas a location I wasnt aware of? What's going on at this company?

they don't even work for Wakanda, which is the weird part

Is Deadpool just there to get people to buy the book? Talk about low faith.

>Is there an Agents of America?
Yes but they are not called that.
>Is Atlas a location I wasn't aware of?
The Atlas Corporation

Technically they do by working for the king of Wakanda

but they're working for T'challa in his capacity as Avengers chairman, not king of Wakanda

actually no, it's an independent unit that works for Wakanda.

no, they work for the Avengers.

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isnt lmd a file type

Live Model Decoy

Smart androids with realistic human appearances

Didn’t Stemcell show up briefly in Future Foundation?

More like
>see cool anime cover design
>think something like that will be inside
>this is standard ugly marvel art style
>understand that the cover is bait and trolling

>Technically they do by working for the king of Wakanda
Kind of like the Congo Free State?


it's just Yas Forums attempting to be intelligible. better to ignore.

is she as hot in the comics or is it just cover bait?

I want OG Nick Fury to come back and his son works under him. It'd be a more interesting thing for both characters.

ahh livewires, now dc is gonna try to make that other adam warren team they have canon for some damn reason

See for yourself

Attached: Black Panther And The Agents Of Wakanda 006-011.jpg (1988x3056, 1.4M)

Lets be real here, what’s the difference between the classic real one and the lmd copy?

Attached: Black Panther And The Agents Of Wakanda 006-012.jpg (1988x3056, 1.45M)