

Attached: Annotation 2020-04-22 183057.jpg (900x952, 170.63K)

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So Drew Green fucks dogs.


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Gay beastiality

>Almost every reply is saying that it's adorable

Gay Robosexual Beastiality.


Why are animators so universally degenerate?

Literal self-insert gay beastiality

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>PPG writer makes a character based on himself because he has a hard-on for Blossom
>now this

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I know this was not the intent of your thread, OP, but do you think the Network Execs were just fucking tired of SU? Like "why even bother anymore?"

How did we go from Cartoon Network in the 1990s/2000s when the animators weren't degenerates and the cartoons were actually good, to this masturbatory shit? Was it caused by craig mccracken and genndy tartakovsky leaving?

we literally see the world in 2nd point perspective, therefore we have more tendencies to be open about fetishes and the sorts

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When you permit the acceptance of sexual behavior outside of the purpose of creating children, this is the result.


Gay Necrophilic Robosexual Beastiality

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>self insert gay robo bestiality

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Already happened with Jasper.

>steven universe's crew is full of degenerates
color me surprised

So what is it? Too big? Way too much money coming in? It's ending, so who cares?

Isn't that the dream of every showrunner, though? A Suit that doesn't really care, and therefor you don't get hassled?

Nasty fucker, Jesus
Animators have always been degenerates (the infamous Rugrats storyboards where Stu beats his wife and Tommy and is implied to be molesting Angelica comes to mind) to but they used to be able to reign it in and be semi-professional

A perfect storm of factors such as the rise of social media and a new wave of "sexual liberation" means that people feel free to air shit that previously would have been unacceptable

Also goddamn I hate his fucking artsyle it looks so goddamned faggy

>slippery slope isn't real

The slippery slope has arrived

the problem is animators and producers became the ones to make the big decisions, what, you think john k and the writers he chose arent on par to the people making content these days? The difference is thecurrent stock have a platform to overtly talk about there degenerate shit without push back because the people they surround themselves with agree on it. White diamond speech is more and more goat as the months fly by
>See how you surround yourself with lower lifeforms? You've smothered yourself in them. It feels good, doesn't it Pink? Dulling your power, hiding your face, blaming everything on someone else. You became Rose Quartz to deceive your pathetic friends, and now you've improved on that because you're even deceiving yourself.

That's kinda fucked

Somebody should submit it to suspect tweets

Don't forget the "slut dragon" episode of rick and morty and how the writer of the episode (Jeff loveness) liked porn of said dragons after the episode came out.

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Just like in homestuck

that's you tomar

Professionalism is dead in the industry

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This entire industry must be purged.

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