I must have them.
Give me examples of no-names having crossovers with big names
Pic unrelated?
Nobody ever gave a fuck about Toriko
Pic unrelated
In America. Toriko is pretty big in Japan if I'm not mistaken it isn't a world wide as DBZ or one of the best selling manga/comics like OP but I wouldn't call it a no name
Not really, it was just advertised as such. The sales were pretty average but they kept pushing it, then it was axed and the ending rushed.
Ben 10's crossovers with Generator Rex and Secret Saturdays
I enjoyed all three shows but I have to be honest
Toriko was a minor hit that Shueisha really wanted to make into a big hit, since they were getting really worried at the time that the sales of Weekly Shonen Jump would plummet like crazy once One Piece ended. All this heavy marketing kinda taught them that you can't force popularity
This special was actually really good, especially the final fight. Also a bunch of good character moments and interactions between the different groups.
The anime censored the shit out of the source material, no wonder it failed.
Gotta be honest
at least the generator rex crossover was timely, idk why the secret saturdays crossover happened when it did
So this happened because Shonene jump ordered or it's true the creators are friends with each other
>all those ok ko crossovers
>ugly style ruins all the guest characters' looks
>cheap style and animation perfectly suited for cn's frugal animation budget
>still not enough to save the show
From what I've heard it was to push Toriko by pairing it up with DBZ and One Piece.
Seriously why they do this, i liked it Toriko silly and the fights were kinda meh when i saw it, but them someone post a manfa page and i discover shit was metal as fuck
>So this happened because Shonene jump ordered
Yes, see ESPECIALLY back then, a TON of nips considered Weekly Shonen Jump to be "One Piece plus a bunch of backups I might read since I already paid for the mag", and editorial were pissing their pants in fear of how badly the sales were going to drop once One Piece ended and all these people stopped buying the magazine. They needed a new major hit people would buy the magazine weekly to keep up with, and tis was their failed attempt at artificially creating one.
Food Wars is being removed from Toonami starting this week. Demarco has stated they do plan to get the rest later on, if possible. Thank our good partner Crunchyroll for sitting on the rights like they did with Mob.
Paranoia Agent is replacing Food Wars at 1am. Yes, a 17 year old ASA bomb is going to air right in the middle of the block starting this Saturday.
Funimation has set up a special dub from home program for My Hero Academia. They have already recorded one episode, so we can assume the rest should be on track. The status of Black Clover’s dub is still unknown, however Toonami has ample backlog of its episodes for the time being.
Last week we had a Kai marathon that did abysmal, this week we return to somewhat normal, with another cut taking us down to a meager 3 hours and 12a start time. Interestingly, things jumped slightly above where they were two weeks ago. We can see that people in quarantine are excited for Toonami to come on so long as it isn’t wasting their time with reruns. We also see that despite starting even later, the block’s audience moves with it.
12:00a My Hero Academia 637 0.30
12:30a Demon Slayer 509 0.26
1:00a Food Wars 451 0.25
1:30a Black Clover 414 0.14
2:00a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 346 0.20
2:30a Naruto: Shippuden 308 0.18
Just testing something.
Maybe they wnated it to be popular in America or amongst kids, after all just look at how tame current Dragon Ball is compared with it's early years (AKA almost no blood and no nudity whatsoever).
They wanted it in Fuji TV's popular Sunday morning slot, which has much higher restrictions for what you can show than the kind of primetime slots they put Naruto and such in.
That explains why Dragon Ball is so tame now since it also airs on Sunday morning, Shonen used to be full of blood and nudity in the 80s/90s...now it is mostly for very little kids.
Yep. Shows that air in the morning need to be tame and safe because parents are going to sleep while they air and want them to be babysitter shows without anything objectionable. It's like that all over the world, really.
43 volumes. That's a good run. I'ld even say this series is underrated.
>One Piece
Go back to Yas Forums
Reading comprehension, brah
Anytime a caped hero appears with batman or superman
Not sure if this counts
>shit was metal as fuck
It wasn't at first. It was comfy and goofy. Then it got "metal" and I dropped it like hot shit.
On that note: the time Wolverine married Sara Pezzini. She's not a "nobody", but she's not a mainstream housewold name either.
>Wolverine does not appear in this issue
Christ what a manslut.
So big it got canceled and had to rush to the ending?