Yas Forums - General Drawthread

Previous: >Provide references for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests Yas Forums related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriends Gallery List:

NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in

Attached: SpawnIsMyFavoriteHero.png (1490x958, 393.76K)

Requesting a smiley Hilda holding a happy face like pic related.

Attached: Untitled.png (568x308, 251.13K)

got a delivery here

Attached: bW.png (684x926, 194.54K)


Requesting Jessica (from Craig of the Creek) must choose either angel or devil for what she want to do.

Attached: hard decision.png (966x611, 348.34K)

I might do this.

Requesting more X-23/Young Cyclops

Attached: __All-New_X-Men_Vol_1_20.jpg (900x1366, 215.88K)

Requesting Kelsey and Melissa (from Craig of the Creek) dress/outfit switch.

Attached: 450.png (1225x789, 249.21K)

requesting idws mona lisa done like mona lisa with new York as the back ground.

Attached: mona lisa.jpg (1024x768, 118.27K)

87 tmnt series had april get mutated into a wasp so i'm requesting the same thing happen to the 2003 one.

Attached: 2003 wasp april.jpg (1280x1024, 134K)

Requesting the bottom pic with Lila Mayfield, wearing the dress of the top right ref.

Attached: lil.jpg (948x1156, 267.49K)

requesting kerrmit the frog as the boyfriend, miss piggy as the girlfriend and sheena from the tmnt idw series as the distraction from the boyfriend distraction meme. we havn't seen sheenas left side yet so if you want to reverse image the meme you can.

Attached: distacted frog.jpg (1280x1024, 152.58K)

Requesting WW: Bloodlines Cheetah (the leftmost picture) in the outfit worn by Cheetah in the two pictures on the right.

Basically, I just wanna see the Cheetah in the right and centre pictures with the tear-marks and without the spots on her belly. You can give her more spots on her arms/legs/back than the WW: Bloodlines Cheetah if you want.

Attached: cheetah_req.png (1962x960, 2.38M)

Deadpool and Neptune on a date like in pic related

Attached: Draw request.jpg (3264x2250, 1.34M)

requesting bea, a background mouse/opossem character from the idw tmnt series reading a story In a large chair with lita, mushroom, and zanna with her dolly on bea's lap/armrest and zink on the top of the chair all looking at the book.
lita is the albino turtle. the other three are the weasels. thought it'd be interesting to see what they were doing while everyone was at the concert in 105. I just want to see something nice

Attached: storytime.jpg (1280x1024, 229.91K)

Requesting Green Guts happily eating a hot dog.

Attached: tumblr_oz0fhdcEE71smqcdfo4_1280.jpg (1280x754, 216.3K)

Attached: Selection_887.png (545x616, 200.4K)

Requesting Big Bird being blue as he sees the other sesame street characters on the hbo max tv talk show without him

Attached: Bluebirdofhappiness.jpg (691x503, 40.98K)

requesting the Connors from the Spiderman comic series at the beach in swim wear and on vacation maybe with sunglasses.

Attached: the conners on vacation.jpg (1280x1024, 278.95K)

That was quick and cute

curvy girl eating? I'm on it! probably!

Thanks! ZONE used to praise my speed, back when we were still friends.

That feels like decades ago already...

Requesting curly brace dressed like a /k/ommando

Attached: badrulmunir-mohd-nazri-curly.jpg (1494x2352, 440.76K)


Requesting the live action Detective Pikachu having the DCEU Superman, Batman & Wonder Woman as his clients.

Attached: detective-pikachu-trailer.png (1600x1600, 1.19M)

/r/ing olga pataki showing up to her student teaching job sloppy drunk and embarrassing her sister

Attached: Student_Teacher.jpg (768x576, 254.58K)

Requesting this but replaces with Garnet (Frylock), Lapis (Carl Brutananadilewski) and Pearl (Master Shake)

Attached: BD84A7AC-4261-4F2E-9399-48887F7DB252.png (1897x1751, 2.88M)

Woah, Thanks a lot friend! It looks great


Requesting the Powerpuff Girls as older career bank robbers.

Attached: PPG Criminals.png (902x812, 1.13M)

Miss when drawfags when respected on Yas Forums and we weren't Yas Forumsmblr, full of Twitter drama

Attached: GreenGuts.jpg (1816x1921, 869.5K)

Requesting ninja Daphne meditating in this pose.

Attached: Ninja Daphne.png (900x1064, 866.76K)
