Disney+ on Suicide watch

HBO Max chads get in here

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Imagine thinking Lego 2 is up to par with Disney. What fatass made this thread? Go choke on some more canned food, simp.

>not a single new thing

yep that's some challenge

>that shit from the watchman show makes the cute
>fucking superman doesn't
I want out of this timeline

>Netflix is trash
>Amazon is trash
>Disney + is trash
>HBO Max has to rely on old stuff which is mostly trash, and will probably try something new which is trash
This is great, the stream wars are like a way more retarded version of the console wars but every option is absolute garbage and everyone sensible just pirates everything anyways.

Unironically looks like an ad for TBS, almost all the stuff pictured is on TBS all the time

The only non-ip new thing on Disney+ was that Noelle film no one cared about and that shitty live action one that I already forgot who made it

They've already announced plenty of new content bud, try again.

>Service selling access to programmes.
Spoken like a true neet.

HBO has curb, oz, generation kill, the white, Sopranos etc...
They go with friends and big bang.


I noticed ghibli stopped working with disney with their new releasesm and now spirited away is with HBO. Rundown?

oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

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>Didney lost Ghibli before they could buy it


Does that mean there would be new english dubs that are actually 100% accurate?


Supes is there behind bats.

>Service selling access to programmes
>defending capitalism

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Disney lost the rights to the Ghibli movies except The Wind Rises years ago.

that's an overused word that lost its meaning a long time ago Redditor

You’re not in the right to call anyone a simp, mousecuck

There's new Adventure Time and new Loony Tunes being made but the characters are old

>studio ghibli and cartoon network
Absolute kino here i come

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Doesnt netflix already have ghibli? In the uk they do anyway.

Will it have Seinfeld?

>Replying to wojacktranny
Just no.

The billboard having only one character from originals like Game of Thrones and Westworld each is such a strange decision, especially when shit like Friends and Big Bang Theory have 3+

Friends isn't a mistake
It's the second most lucrative archive show for streaming after The Office. Netflix payed them $100 million for one year of streaming rights


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Are any of the DC Universe shows on there? I've been interested in watching Doom Patrol and some of their others shows but can't because I live in Canada.

Huey x Chihiro is now a crackship.

There's nothing that really catch my eye aside from maybe Lego characters, are they going to air a series or just the last two movies?

Was ghibli dissatisfied with disney to not want to continue?

One of those nondescript black women is from Westworld right.

That's certainly an impressive pile of shit everyone has already watched.

>Service artificially restricting the supply of infinitely reproducible product
>Normies will still pay for it

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I might be remembering wrong but didn't they announced Disney+ with Ghibli?

HBO Max not launching internationally will hurt them in the long run.

That's fair.
In the uk EVERY CHANNEL seems to have the right to friends.
Its fucking bizarre.

The movies by the Miyazaki understudies were pretty meh, theatrical nothingburgers, but I'm sure the Japs at Ghibli want crown jewel prices for them.

What's weirder is they only have one Looney Tunes character despite a whole new show coming and one coming later
And not even Bugs, arguably Warner's mascot, but Tweety

You are remembering wrong. Disney distributed the movies on disc in the US, but by the time anyone wanted to even think about streaming they were already spoken for.

Ghibli made a deal to stream with HBO Max in the US and Netflix in the rest of the world.

They cant.
In the uk they have a multi million dollar deal with satellite network sky who have a streaming service too... sure they have deals with other international networks too.

>Cavill Superman and Batfleck

No, what weird is that they don't have a (((great))) original cartoon character like Harley Quinn!

I also find weird they used fucking Tweety for representing Looney Tunes.

Didn't WB get rid of the LEGO license anyway?

>They cant.
And that's why compared to Netflix and Disney+, they'll suffer.

The fuck is gizmo doing there

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Don't know where you got that idea when they've been publishing the Lego video games for at least 15 years.

>Superman, the most iconic DC hero, hiding his shame in the back row.
Wondy and Aquachad's inclusion is a given, but why not a better Batman? They have half a dozen of them. Even BtAS Batman would be superior, why go with Worst Batman?
Or I don't know, Joker? Poor Harley never had a chance tho.

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They're doing an original Gremlins animated series. In addition to streaming the movies, I assume.
Games, yeah, but there was a big to do last month of WB not reupping their contract for LEGO Movies after LM2 underperformed. Universal was supposed to be snapping it up.

Warner Bros is making an animated Gremlins series for HBO Max.